I come across a lot of books. People recommend them to me, I read reviews online, I hear about upcoming releases, I’m subscribed to several bookshops who send me emails about their favourites or most exciting upcoming releases and I’m always watching BookTube videos brimming with books I just HAVE to read RIGHT NOW. All of these end up on my radar, on my TBR, sometimes on my shelves. Usually I wait until I’ve heard about a book a few times before adding it, but once in a while a book sounds so intriguing ( or I’m just in a particularly receptive mood) that I add it immediately. Most of the books I add this way later go on to be mentioned again and again, but not all. Some I will later completely forget all relevant information about – where I heard of it, what it was about, why I felt so compelled to add it to my TBR or write it down immediately. I later come across them on my list and kind of scratch my head, flumoxed. These are some of those books.


I think I added Sex Is Forbidden because I’d read another book by Parks in the past – perhaps something involving Italy – and liked it. But I don’t remember what it’s about. Am I Alone Here might be something to do with books and being a reader, but I’m not entirely sure. If so then that’s probably the whole reason I added it – I’m a sucker for a book about books! I know each of the Levy books appealed to me on its own merits, as well as the fact that I’ve been meaning to read something by her for ages and never knew where to start, but I couldn’t for the life of me tell you what either of these books is actually about. I feel like at least one is a memoir, but that’s all I’ve got!

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I have no clue whatsoever where I heart about Campari or what it’s about. It doesn’t look like my usual sort of book, but something about it made me put it on my TBR! A Girl Returned is a Europa book and I remember something about it intriguing me so much that I pre-ordered it. No clue now what that was, though! Beauty In the Broken Places I think was a memoir about some sort of difficulty in someone’s life – perhaps it’s a memoir about motherhood or family? Sad Girls I have absolutely zero idea.


The World Before Us came out a while ago now, and I think at the time it was being talked about a lot by book bloggers. But it never made it to the top of my TBR, and at this point I have completely forgotten what it’s about. I suspect it was one I gave in to the hype over, but didn’t actually appeal to me otherwise. Late Fragments is either a novel or a memoir about someone dealing with some sort of issue – perhaps a medical issue or terminal diagnosis or something. I think. Not really sure. Like the cover though!

I don’t know if I’ll get around to reading all of these, but once I’ve finished this post I will go and read the descriptions and see if anything comes back to me about them when I do, and that process might make me pick one or two up right away! If you’ve read any of these let me know if I was right in my guesses about what they’re about, and if any are ones you loved that I should definitely keep on my TBR!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.

16 thoughts on “TOP TEN TUESDAY | ? BOOKS ON MY TBR

    • Rain City Reads says:

      Haha! Isn’t that the never-ending problem of the bookish interwebs? There’s no way to be part of it without growing the TBR exponentially! Mine is so long I’ve given up all hope of ever finding it useful at this point. It’s completely out of hand!

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