Hmmmm. I mean, I don’t think there are any I absolutely refuse to read. There are always exceptions. But there’s one I do tend to avoid: romance stories where one character is in a relationship and you’re supposed to root for them to fall in love with someone else and either cheat or break their current partner’s heart. Obviously this happens in real life. A lot. But I don’t really enjoy reading about it, because I find it hard to root for someone to get hurt.
I also don’t read books about animals, because there’s an awful proclivity for animals to end up being killed or hurt. I cannot handle books where bad things happen to animals. Likewise since becoming a mother, I also don’t read books about missing or kidnapped or murdered children. I tried once and it was an absolutely horrible experience, so I’ve avoided them ever since.
Other than that, I can’t think of any others I absolutely won’t read. I’m not a huge fan of romance, but mostly because I can’t suspend my disbelief to really get into it – it just always seems so fake and unrealistic and makes me risk spraining an eye from rolling it too hard! I’ve got nothing against the genre, it’s just rare for me to find one I really enjoy.
I also don’t read horror. I feel like that one requires no further explanation.
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OHHHHH, yes, the parenting one. So much of that. I didn’t even think of that one, either. But no, anything with parents losing children is right out for me. I am soooo not putting myself through that.
Right? I never liked it much even before having kids, but now forget it. I generally don’t like any stories where anyone vulnerable (including kids, people with disabilities, seniors or even animals) is treated poorly or taken advantage of or hurt. It’s really hard for me as I think just spend the whole book in this sort of hell where I want to help them BUT I CAN’T. No thank you!
I don’t like reading about animals getting hurt or dying either.
Yeah, that’s a solid no for me!
I’m not in to anything violent…although I am a conundrum…I used to work inside the department of correction in Indiana as both a college instructor and a counselor. I’ve heard some interesting true crime stories…I guess I’m okay with things because they’re REAL??? I’m not really sure, but I am positively a realist! Criminal thinking intrigues me, as to how a person arrived at their thought process, but I absolutely hate anything violent!
That is an interesting perspective! I completely get it. I’m not into violence for the sake of it, but I don’t mind it if it’s in a story where it belongs. Like if it’s part of understanding how someone’s experiences have affected them or how their mind works. I also find the psychology of people’s behaviour fascinating, even when it’s difficult.
Whenever I see a book about an animal, I google reviews of it to see if anyone talks about that animal dying. Occasionally, I find one that features an animal who is still alive and happy at the end.
And, yeah, those sort of romance stories are hard to read. It makes me wonder if the author wanted to write a story about polyamory but wasn’t allowed to by their publisher? I wouldn’t mind a story about someone having more than one relationship if it fit their character arc and everyone was cool with it and such…but there’s no need to go breaking other folks hearts. Love who you’re with instead, I say. 🙂
Haha yeah me too! I still haven’t read Crime and Punishment because of one scene my ex told me about when he was reading it… yikes! And I’ve yet to read Charlotte’s Web. I’m really hoping I manage to escape it! I think there’s a website called does the dog die or something like that that tells you if animals are okay in movies and stuff. I used to check with that before reading or watching!
Hahahahaha oh man I hadn’t thought of that but now I have no idea why not! That would be SO much better! Yeah, like I get it can be realistic, but I don’t enjoy reading it. I’ll do it if there’s more to the story, but if that’s it, if that’s the whole story… yeah no thanks!