Bookish superpowers? Hmmm. This is an interesting post, but also feels a bit odd because I’ve always felt like reading is a superpower. I’m excited to see what everyone comes up with this week – I think it’s going to be a prompt that brings out the creativity! Let’s see what I can come up with.


  1. The ability to know instinctively which books will speak to me in that special way, will either be able to totally immerse me or give me what I need to hear or teach me how to navigate the part of life I’m heading into. Those books that will stick with me for the rest of my life and that I feel like I’m drinking in while I read.
  2. The ability to remember details of the books I read. Writing reviews isn’t something I’m good at doing right away, and because of that I’ve often forgotten character names or plot details by the time I get to writing. I then have to either re-read part of the book or flip through to pull out the bits I’ve forgotten. It’s very annoying.
  3. The ability to remember where I got to in a series, because I’m always forgetting. And while we’re at it, I’d love to be able to remember which books in a given series I already own and in what format – I’m forever having to search through my audiobook accounts to see if I already have a book and then somehow missing it and buying it twice! (That’s not even including ones I may also have physical copies of!)
  4. The power to stretch time when I get to a good bit in my book and it’s time to do something tedious like make dinner.
  5. The ability to do all accents and voices when reading kids’ books – I try, but I’m really quite crap at most of them. And it does add so much to the feel of the story!
  6. The power to psychically ask authors questions as I’m reading and get response instantly.
  7. I’d like to always get the exact copy I think I’m buying when I order books online. I’m the sort of reader who wants the prettiest (in my own opinion) cover of a book available, particularly if there’s one I find disturbing and icky. But so many times I’ve searched out what I think is the version I want, often from a different country, but when it arrives it turns out to be the one I did not want and I’m stuck having paid more and not able to return it. I’d like to never have this happen again.
  8. I would love it if I could magically find all the books I loved as a kid and have now either forgotten or have trouble finding because they’re out of print. I’d like to just think of what I remember of a book and it appears for sale at a reasonable price.
  9. I desperately want the power to make my body always be comfortable and ignorable while reading. This has become a bigger and bigger issues as I’ve gotten older. I can’t twist myself into the corner of an uncomfortable chair or find a position on the couch that won’t make my back or arms or a hip ache, and it’s so distracting. I don’t care if I’m cold or aching – I just want to not feel it while I’m reading. Is that so much to ask? I want to lose myself fully in my book, and in order to do that I need to forget I even have a body.
  10. I would like a forcefield that repels anyone who tries to interrupt me while I’m reading (except my kid, of course). If someone is interrupting me because they think I’m “not doing anything” I’d like it to expel them violently.


That’s it for me this week! Which superpower did you like most from your list this week? Are there any on my list you had on yours or would also like to have?


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.


    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Thanks! It hadn’t occurred to me that there could be any other kind of items to put on the list – I guess maybe wanting to own any book I am interested in or have a neverending library or something? That’d be nice, but I’m already never going to finish all the books I have on my TBR!! I would particularly enjoy that one. I often have questions and no way to ask them and no one to discuss them with!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Haha! Truth. I have had back issues since my mid-20s, so comfortable reading positions are a pipe dream at this point. I’ve switched nearly entirely to audiobooks for two reasons – annoyingly I’m most comfortable in motions, and also it means I can listen while doing boring household tasks!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Oh this is such a sentimental one – now that I’m a mom I keep thinking back over the books I read and loved as a child. Many are big ones that have been easy to find, some have been really difficult to locate, or for series I can only find some of them. Others I’d forgotten about until I serendipitously get them to read to my kid, open them up and start recognizing them. That has been the magical part!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      It’s so frustrating, isn’t it? I envy kids these days who have the internet to track their reading and who will likely never forget the name of that one book that had a horse in it and a blue cover… LOL!

  1. Enn @ Her Weathered Pages says:

    “The power to psychically ask authors questions as I’m reading and get response instantly.”

    WAIT. This would be such a game-changer!

    “I desperately want the power to make my body always be comfortable and ignorable while reading.”

    Also, THIS!! I can only read in bed and I wish I was the type who could read anywhere!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      I would probably end up being given a set of rules about the question thing, like “wait until you’ve read further in the book before asking plot questions. Do you have no patience?” and “you can only ask three questions per book because OMG the authors have lives, you know. They can’t be answering your questions all day.” But still, I’d take it! Yes, I have back issues and one of the worst parts of that is being constantly aware of bodily discomfort. It really interferes with my ability to lose myself in a book!!

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