This week’s prompt: Do you only feature reviews on your blog?
Well, I started this blog mostly as a place to write reviews of backlist titles in addition to the new release reviews I was writing for the online entertainment site I volunteered for in University. The blog began its life as Backlist Books before I decided to change it to a different title that was a little less specific. Over time I discovered the wonderful online book blogging community and began to participate in link-ups, readathons and other online community events. So I’ve been doing a mix of reviews and other types of posts for most of the time I’ve been writing this blog. I enjoy blogging much more when I’m participating in the community as well, so I can’t really imagine continuing with blogging at the level I’m at without that. I am just such a tiny blog that the only real interaction I get is when I’m linking up with other blogs, the reviews I think get read occasionally, but they’re not a big draw. I do them mostly to remember what I thought of what I’m reading and so that one day my kid can see what I read if they’re interested. So no, definitely not just reviews!
What about you guys? I’m guessing that if you’re here you at least participate in this blog hop occasionally, but do you primarily do reviews? If so, how does that format work out for you?
The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly blog link-up that gives participants a different book-related question to ponder each week, and allows them to share their thoughts, find new blogs to follow and connect with new readers. The Hop was originally created by Jennifer at Crazy for Books and is now hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. To see a list of upcoming prompts go here.