Just Shelved

I was curious about this one because the premise interested me. A bookseller starts a blog for his store, and his first post is a list of eight books that feature “perfect” murders. But then the FBI show up at his store one day wanting to talk to him about some recent murders… and whether they may be connected to this long-ago post. Interesting premise, right? But the execution didn’t live up to my hopes, and I only ended up thinking it was okay, but not great. Interesting idea, but not a lot of character connection and though I didn’t guess the ending, it also didn’t really make me feel much of anything. So just an okay thriller IMO. Not sure if I should give this author another shot or just chalk it up to not being the best match for me. Any thoughts if you’ve read other books by this author? Should I try again?
Currently Reading

I haven’t made a lot of progress with any reading this week. I am a little past halfway on Good Night, Irene and still trying to finish it, though it’s not really keeping me as invested as I’d hoped. Just started The Paris Widow which is a thriller about a woman who discovers (thanks to an explosion near their hotel) that her husband may not be exactly who she thought. It’s okay so far, but a little on the slow side in places. And the narrator is a little bit challenging for me – too much vocal emotion for my liking.
Up Next

The Zig Zag Girl by Elly Griffiths

Nine Lives by Peter Swanson
I’ve added a few more books to my library loans this week, but as always, not sure where I’ll head next! I am not sure if I want to read another Peter Swanson after the one I finished last week, but I might give it a little try before returning it just in case it’s better. Any recommendations (or the opposite) are welcome!
Well that was my week! Not much to report, really, but I’ve gotten through a lot of TV (recently discovered both the US and UK versions of Ghosts, so that’s been fun to watch) and hung out with my kid a lot over the weekend, which has been nice. We even got outside and started planting a few seeds for this year’s garden – just a few, as it’s early, but it still felt good to get a start. What about you guys? Anyone else starting their garden yet? Did you read any good books this week?
A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. I also link up with The Sunday Salon post each week hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz (and sometimes include some of her content prompts).