This week’s prompt: Do you belong to a book club? If so, how many members do you have? How long has it been going on?

Unfortunately I don’t belong to any book clubs, as much as I’d like to. I tried to find some in my area, but there aren’t many, and most of the ones I could find were in person (I still don’t like indoor public gatherings) and/or just didn’t sound like my kind of thing. Either they read genre books from a genre I’m not that into reading or they sounded like they were more about the social aspect (women who took turns hosting elaborate meetings with wine and fancy snacks that I could never pull off) than the books. And the problem is also that I’d have such a hard time completing some of the books if I didn’t want to. I’d have to really love the club meetings and people to feel motivated to get through them, and that is unlikely. The closest I’ve probably come is either belonging to Allison Paiges’ Patreon where she has a discord chat for a new book each month – but I’ve been in it for over a year and only actually read the book once – or judging the BookTube Prize. The latter doesn’t have the social component in any formal way, but a lot of judges post videos where they talk about the books they judged so I can comment and hear what they thought. And I find it easier to stick to because I’m highly motivated when it’s judging that I’ve committed to, it’s six books but over a couple of months so I can pace myself, and usually the books I’m judging are some of the best of the year, so it’s rare to have to read one that has nothing appealing in it. Maybe one day I’ll find a book club that suits me!

What about you guys? Any book club members out there? What makes your book club work for you? If you aren’t in one, why not?

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly blog link-up that gives participants a different book-related question to ponder each week, and allows them to share their thoughts, find new blogs to follow and connect with new readers. The Hop was originally created by Jennifer at Crazy for Books and is now hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. To see a list of upcoming prompts go here.


    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Ah, see that’s what would have me hesitant about book clubs, even if I could find one! I like the third one – less pressure and you get to choose what you want to read! That’s more my speed!

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