This week’s prompt: It’s back-to-school time. What book would you recommend to students, whether it’s an educational read or an enjoyable diversion from textbooks?



There are so many books I’d recommend – both educational books and lovely diversions. One I read earlier this year that I really enjoyed was Bookworm by Lucy Mangan. It’s such a delightful celebration of the joy of childhood reading, some of the books that many of us grew up reading and the strong foundation those stories set for a lifelong love of books. I will forever be grateful to the formative books I read during my childhood years, and many of them remain favourites of mine to this very day. Others I’ve been enjoying sharing with my own kid and, hopefully, beginning the cycle of discovery over again. So this is one that I’d definitely recommend to anyone who is a lifelong reader – you will definitely see your own love of literature between these pages!


What about you guys? Has anyone read this one? Do you have similar books you’d recommend? What angle did you choose for this week’s post, and which book do you recommend?

The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly blog link-up that gives participants a different book-related question to ponder each week, and allows them to share their thoughts, find new blogs to follow and connect with new readers. The Hop was originally created by Jennifer at Crazy for Books and is now hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. To see a list of upcoming prompts go here.


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