Like last week’s prompt, I feel like this is more aimed at reviewers who publish reviews in exchange for copies of books. I don’t now, but I used to, and when I did I tried to publish on or shortly after publication date. Sometimes this was requested by the publisher, so I adopted it as a blog strategy. It worked well. Now that I’m reviewing just for myself, however, I almost never read books anywhere near publication date, so posting a review to coincide with it isn’t even an option. I do try to publish reviews of newer books that are getting more attention more promptly than backlist titles, as I feel like they’re then more likely to be of interest to anyone who reads them. I then save backlist title reviews to use when I’m in a reading dry period and need them. I don’t know if I’ll ever review for publishers again, but I think I’d probably do the same unless they requested early reviews to build hype!
What about you guys? When do you publish reviews of ARCs? Do you stick to publication day or do you normally post ahead of it to build some excitement?
The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly blog link-up that gives participants a different book-related question to ponder each week, and allows them to share their thoughts, find new blogs to follow and connect with new readers. The Hop was originally created by Jennifer at Crazy for Books and is now hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. To see a list of upcoming prompts go here.
I never thought about consistency for my reviews. I just post them once I have finished, unless there is a Blog Tour then I will postpone!
Makes total sense to me!
I sometimes aim for publication date or month, though it often depends how fast I read especially if I’ve been sent a book with one week to spare. I find that if I post it even a month after, some folks who didn’t purchase the book immediately still get excited about it and it’s a nice reminder to check out the book after the initial hype
That’s definitely true! I will often hear about backlist books ages after the fact from a review or mention and still be as interested!
I try to post ARC reviews on or right after publication date. However, books I’ve bought get read and reviewed whenever I feel like it. I try to do a mix of both on my blog, for one thing, I have a lot of books I’ve bought I want to read. For another, I like to have some books each month that not everyone is talking about. Hopefully, that makes me stand out a little. So you can find some older books on my blog, too.
I used to do the same. I don’t do many reviews for publishers or authors these days, so now it’s pretty much just what I’m reading! This blog actually started because I was Books Editor for an A&E site which was great, but I only reviewed new books. So I started a blog to review all the rest – and I’m still here a decade later! I love a good mix on blogs I read. You only need so many reviews of the same books!
My phone went funny!
Here is my post:
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:
That happens to me all the time!
I do Blog Tours where I am given a specific date or if it is an Author’s request then they will let me know. When I finish a library book or my own book I just put the review up straight away.
Have a great weekend!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:
Yeah, that makes total sense. I try to post reviews on Sundays, so I spread them out that way, but when I reviewed for publishers I just published whenever they wanted, regardless. If I were able to reliably read a few books every week all year long I’d do the same, but because I only read a book a week on average (with more in the summer and then none for a couple of months in the winter) if I did that then I’d have a huge break with none for a while! I don’t know if that matters, but I like consistency so it would bother me!