This week’s prompt: Have you ever asked yourself, “Why did I buy this book?”
Oh, absolutely. Many, many times. This didn’t used to happen when I was younger, but now that I’m in my 40s and have lived several lives, my interests and tastes have changed and my book collection has grown. So when I’m going through shelves I haven’t looked at for a while (particularly when I was moving) it’s not unusual to come across several books I either have no recollection of buying, or have no recollection of what they’re about or what appealed to me in them. I don’t have specific examples because most of them have since been given away (why keep them if I don’t even want to read them?), but there have been lots. Fewer these days since I’ve done some major culls and am not buying as many books these days, but I’m sure there are still some lurking on shelves around here!
Do you guys have a similar issue? Anyone else at a similar stage in life and finding that their book collection has taken on a mind of its own and multiplied behind your back?
The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly blog link-up that gives participants a different book-related question to ponder each week, and allows them to share their thoughts, find new blogs to follow and connect with new readers. The Hop was originally created by Jennifer at Crazy for Books and is now hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. To see a list of upcoming prompts go here.