I’m really enjoying participating in Non-Fiction November (hosted by Olive, featured in the video above), and watching the videos posted by some of my favourite BookTubers about their TBRs, favourite NF books – and this tag! I don’t have a YouTube channel because I’m terrible in front of a camera, but I really wanted to participate in this tag so I figured what the hell. I’m hopping on board, ticket or not. So here are my answers!

1. How much nonfiction do you read?
Of the 33 books I’ve read so far this year, 14 of them have been non-fiction, so that’s about 42%. I’m currently reading three non-fiction books, hoping to finish them this month, so that will increase a bit before the end of the year.

2. What kind of nonfiction videos do you make/do you WANT to make on Booktube?
Since I don’t have a channel, I’ll tell you what I like to watch. I like videos that discuss a bunch of books, preferably on various topics. I also enjoy hearing more in-depth discussion about books that have topics I’m interested in – like mental health, social issues, and feminist issues.

3. What’s your favorite sub-genre of nonfiction?
At the moment I’d say memoir, though I tend to choose my non-fiction more by topic than anything else. So if it’s a memoir or biography, it has to be about someone I like or who lived a life that is interesting to me in some way. If it’s a narrative non-fiction it needs to be on a subject I have a current fascination with. I studied social issues, which comprises a bunch of more specific areas of interest. And no matter what, it has to have a good narrative structure and a voice I want to hear!

4. Do you have a favorite nonfiction book?
Right now it’d be a toss up between Locking Up Our Own, Newjack, Natives, Tracey Thorn’s books Bedsit Disco Queen and Naked at the Albert Hall and My Lovely Wife In the Psych Ward. But it changes constantly!

5. What do you think keeps people from wanting to read more nonfiction?
I think generally people who don’t read a lot of non-fiction haven’t been exposed to the diversity of subjects and styles it can be written in. A lot of us have only been exposed to non-fiction that is either instructional, academic or news. Usually these are pretty dry and aren’t written with entertainment in mind. When this is your only exposure to the genre, it can be hard to want to dive in any further.

6. Why do you like nonfiction?
I love to learn. I don’t much care where my information comes from – a newspaper, a spirited discussion, a textbook, a lecture, a YouTube video, an episode of Jeopardy or a book. Non-fiction has become a big portion of my reading since I finished university and became a mom because as much as I love my daughter, I don’t really have much opportunity to interact with adults or have intelligent conversations on issues I care about. I mean, I take them wherever I can get them, but it’s not enough. So I read. I read to find people to fill the holes in my life where friends should be. I read to find people who have been through some of the things I’ve been through. I read to find strength when mine is failing. And I read to find new ways to look at the world, and to seek out better understanding of it.

7. What’s a nonfiction book you read because of Booktube?
I honestly can’t remember which I heard about on BookTube. Possibly Breaking and Mending by Joanna Cannon.

8. What’s the best nonfiction book you’ve read lately?
I loved Natives by Akala and Poverty Safari by Darren McGarvey.

9. What are some of your nonfiction reading goals?
Hmmm. I guess just to keep reading non-fiction books. To find new topics to learn about and to find new “friends” through memoirs.

10. What’s your advice for incorporating more nonfiction into your reading diet?
Just give it a try! Find some topics you are interested in, then start looking for books on those topics. Find people who have the same reading tastes as you when it comes to fiction, and see which non-fiction they pick up. Try audiobooks (particularly if it’s a memoir read by the author) so the text isn’t so daunting. And check out Pulitzer Prize winners – there are some excellent books on important topics that have won the prize, and so far I’ve found them to be pretty readable. And remember, if a book isn’t working for you – either not enough interest in the topic or not liking the writing – put it down and find another one to try rather than pushing through and souring yourself on the genre altogether!

BONUS: Give some recommendations of nonfiction Booktube channels that you love:

My Reading Life
Portal In the Pages
Acacia Ives
Kendra Winchester
Big Al Books
Barter Hordes
Mercy’s Bookish Musings

These are some channels that regularly include non-fiction, but a lot of the channels linked in my sidebar include a great mixture of content, so if you are curious, feel free to click over to some of them and check them out! Another great way to find channels featuring non-fiction is to search “Non-Fiction on BookTube Tag” or “Non-Fiction November.” The results will lead you to lots of new channels!

That’s it for me. I’d love to hear your answers – whether on your channel, blog or just in the comments!

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