Book Thoughts On Thursday


The world of books is never boring. Every week (well, most weeks) I’ll discuss a different topic related to books, often inspired by or in response to what’s going on in the online book community (or something I’ve seen another blogger talk about). I call this Book Thoughts on Thursday. Feel free to weigh in with your own thoughts in the comments, or even write your own post on the topic and share the link with me!


I’ve got something to talk about this week that isn’t exactly to do with books – it’s to do with my blog. More specifically, it’s to do with the name of my blog. Let me start at the beginning.

When I first started this blog, it was because I had been reviewing books for an arts and entertainment website. I loved the review process – taking notes as I read, engaging with the text on a deeper level and sharing my thoughts with other readers. I loved it so much, in fact, that I wanted to do it for all the books I was reading, not just the new releases I was officially reading for the site.

I started this blog as a place to share all my bookish thoughts, primarily those about older, or “backlist,” books. Hence the naming of my blog – Backlist Books. At the time, it was perfect.

But it’s now been six years of on-and-off blogging, and two years of regular, consistent blogging. Over that time, my focus has shifted. I still review backlist books, but more and more I’m wanting to review new releases, the books everyone is talking about, so that I can join in the discussion with other bloggers. I also don’t feel the need to create features based on backlist books, though I feel like I should, just to justify the name. I also feel like it might lead to some inaccurate perceptions of the blog – and even discourage readers who are more interested in new releases.

After a lot of thought, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time for a change. I want a blog name that represents more accurately what I do here, and who I am. I want to acknowledge the community I live in and I want to open up the focus of the blog.

I’m not quite ready to announce the new name yet, but I’m hoping to do so sometime in the next couple of weeks, and I have to admit, I’m very nervous! As much as I’m sure of my decision to make a change, I’m still attached to Backlist Books, and it’s not going to be easy to make such a drastic change!

In the meantime, I’d love to hear from you guys on this topic – whether you’ve got ideas or thoughts to share about my current name, or tips on changing the name of an established blog, please share!


  1. Amanda G says:

    Changing your blog name can be intimidating, but seriously, it's only as scary as you let it be. Everyone considers changing their blog name at least once during their blogging experience, I've had three different blogs (the third is on it's way) and that's been scary in itself, moving an established blog elsewhere, BUT, if it doesn't feel right, you need to switch it up. I agree with Ashley above however, do check out her posts, get the technical parts sorted, and you'll be more than fine. I look forward to checking out this new name!

  2. Amanda G says:

    Changing your blog name can be intimidating, but seriously, it's only as scary as you let it be. Everyone considers changing their blog name at least once during their blogging experience, I've had three different blogs (the third is on it's way) and that's been scary in itself, moving an established blog elsewhere, BUT, if it doesn't feel right, you need to switch it up. I agree with Ashley above however, do check out her posts, get the technical parts sorted, and you'll be more than fine. I look forward to checking out this new name!

  3. M. says:

    Heading over to read both now. It's a bit nerve-wracking, but I'm also really excited. I think I've figured out most of the technical side of things, but still trying to decide if this is the right time to switch to WordPress (something that terrifies me, but seems inevitable). But that's a whole other topic! Thanks for sharing your tips and experience with me!

  4. M. says:

    Heading over to read both now. It's a bit nerve-wracking, but I'm also really excited. I think I've figured out most of the technical side of things, but still trying to decide if this is the right time to switch to WordPress (something that terrifies me, but seems inevitable). But that's a whole other topic! Thanks for sharing your tips and experience with me!

  5. M. says:

    I do too, and I know I'll miss it. Also I'm not really a fan of change. But I think, after about a year of thinking about it, it's time to put thought into action! 🙂

  6. M. says:

    I do too, and I know I'll miss it. Also I'm not really a fan of change. But I think, after about a year of thinking about it, it's time to put thought into action! 🙂

  7. M. says:

    Aw, thank you for the encouragement! I know, I don't really think about names that much either. But it's been bugging me for a while, and I feel like that's enough of a reason, even if I'm the only one who notices! We'll see – I'm waiting on help with the new design, but everything else is lined up and ready to go!

  8. M. says:

    Aw, thank you for the encouragement! I know, I don't really think about names that much either. But it's been bugging me for a while, and I feel like that's enough of a reason, even if I'm the only one who notices! We'll see – I'm waiting on help with the new design, but everything else is lined up and ready to go!

  9. M. says:

    Oh man, I am SO right there with the worries. I'm not exactly a genius when it comes to all the backend stuff, so while I *think* I've figured out how to switch everything over and keep both URLs heading somewhere that makes sense, until it's done, I'll be stressed. I'm hoping I can do it in another few weeks though! Thanks for the encouragement – I remember your name change, and I thought you handled it wonderfully – lots of notice, seamless transition and I don't think anyone would have lost you! (I know I'd track you down to the ends of the earth if necessary. On account of a mutual fondness for sarcasm and cake.)

  10. M. says:

    Oh man, I am SO right there with the worries. I'm not exactly a genius when it comes to all the backend stuff, so while I *think* I've figured out how to switch everything over and keep both URLs heading somewhere that makes sense, until it's done, I'll be stressed. I'm hoping I can do it in another few weeks though! Thanks for the encouragement – I remember your name change, and I thought you handled it wonderfully – lots of notice, seamless transition and I don't think anyone would have lost you! (I know I'd track you down to the ends of the earth if necessary. On account of a mutual fondness for sarcasm and cake.)

  11. Katie McD says:

    I have no tips, just thoughts. To be honest, I don't really think *that* much about the names of blogs, and if said blog lives up to the name or not. With that being said, if you feel like it's time for a change, I say go for it! Your reasons are sound, and you have established followers who will support you, and continue to follow – me being one of them. I can't wait to hear the new name!!!

  12. Katie McD says:

    I have no tips, just thoughts. To be honest, I don't really think *that* much about the names of blogs, and if said blog lives up to the name or not. With that being said, if you feel like it's time for a change, I say go for it! Your reasons are sound, and you have established followers who will support you, and continue to follow – me being one of them. I can't wait to hear the new name!!!

  13. Cait @ Paper Fury says:

    I totally understand the worries of changing a name! ME TOO. I was so freaked when I changed from Notebook Sisters to Paper Fury. *gulps* Iwas terrified all my followers would lose me, and that all my epic stats would disappear, and that everyone would go “What the heck is that name.” lol But, same, I felt I couldn't be a “Notebook Sister” anymore because it didn't fit a solo blogger or my more bookish focus. So good luck with your name change!! I can't wait to hear what it is. 😉

  14. Cait @ Paper Fury says:

    I totally understand the worries of changing a name! ME TOO. I was so freaked when I changed from Notebook Sisters to Paper Fury. *gulps* Iwas terrified all my followers would lose me, and that all my epic stats would disappear, and that everyone would go “What the heck is that name.” lol But, same, I felt I couldn't be a “Notebook Sister” anymore because it didn't fit a solo blogger or my more bookish focus. So good luck with your name change!! I can't wait to hear what it is. 😉

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