It’s been a busy week for bookish articles and news on the web – so I already have another roundup for you guys!
  • ‘Blurred Lines’ Model Emily Ratajkowski Cast As Ben Affleck’s Mistress In ‘Gone Girl’. For those of you anxiously awaiting casting news!
  • 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Sherlock Holmes. In anticipation of the 3rd season of the British modern-day series based on the classic detective, this list was very interesting. For example, did you know that he never actually said the famous phrase, “Elementary, my dear Watson”? And the deer-stalker was an illustrator’s addition.
  • Bookish Ramblings: Rights as a Reader/Reviewer. I found this fascinating. Like Jenn, I’m not an author. I’m not a literature professor, nor do I have any advanced training in creative writing outside of the few courses I took in college. And yet I feel as if I have the right to share my thoughts and opinions on the books I read. Why? Because I like reading other readers’ reactions to books. I like to know what they enjoyed or didn’t enjoy, what aspects of the book worked or disappointed them. Partly because there are so many books out there to choose from and this helps me narrow down my list, but also because it helps me interact with my reading and see other perspectives. If you’re a book reviewer, what’s your take on the issue?
  • Book Riot Poll: Who Is Your Favourite Literary Character? I still haven’t been able to answer this one – there are too many! Dumbledore! Anne Shirley! Holden Caulfield! I don’t think I can decide.
  • 12 Unpublished Novels We Wish We Could Read.My vote is definitely Hunter S. Thompson’s unpublished early novel, Prince Jellyfish, would definitely top my list!
  • CHAOS WALKING….Into a Movie Theater Near You? The Knife of Never Letting Go has been on my to-read list for a few months – and it looks like the Chaos Walking Trilogy (of which it is the opening volume) is going to be turned into a movie!
  • Open thread: What’s the worst book on your bookshelves? This one was just FUN! My answer was (of course) Fifty Shades of Grey, but I also included a few bonus answers – The Lovely Bones, Eat, Pray, Love and Less than Zero. What would your pick be?
  • Reading for fun improves children’s brains, study confirms.We readers have long suspected that reading from an early age is at least one of the contributing factors to our overgrown craniums (we’re so modest, too). But now a research study has set out to prove it.
  • Man Booker prize will open to US authors in 2014, reports say. The prize has currently considered works by writers from the UK, Ireland and Commonwealth countries. This new development has critics wondering if the move will rob the prize of its identity – Melvyn Bragg even went so far as to say, “It’s rather like a British company being taken over by some worldwide conglomerate.” What do you think?

Phew! It’s like the world of books never sleeps or something!

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