Somehow another three months have gone by! I didn’t have as much time to read as I did in the first and second quarter of the year, so I only managed 8 books. But there were a couple of really great ones in there, so let’s take a look! July Ask READ MORE
Category: Monthly Wrap-Up
Well, another month has come and gone! Here in Canada that means the weather is getting chilly and Christmas is, well, pretty much everywhere. I’m a fan of Christmas, though, so no complaints here! I haven’t been reading my usual variety of books lately, but I have gotten through a fair number of cozy READ MORE
It’s been quite the month! In addition to my computer giving up the ghost (don’t even get me started, I’m very depressed), I wrapped up the month with a trip to sunny California, where I got to enjoy some beautiful weather and lots of amazing bookshops in both San Francisco and Oakland. Here are READ MORE
Can you believe it’s June already? I certainly can’t! Whether I feel like it’s summer or not, the weather certainly seems to be warming up – right now I’m eating ice cream and sitting in front of a fully cranked fan. Phew, it’s warm! Which is surprising considering that I’m on the west coast READ MORE
I had another good reading month in March – lots of books finished, and quite a range of selections. Some books amused me, others inspired me, and still others (*ahem* A Little Life *ahem*) utterly destroyed me. I also started school again (I’m doing classes in editing), began planting my patio garden and ended READ MORE
March was a pretty busy month for me on the blog – I managed to post nearly every day! Not only that, but I made it through 11 books, which is probably some kind of record. I’ve also been doing more buddy reads with other bloggers (and friends of mine) which have made reading READ MORE
I missed last month’s wrap-up on account of being on vacation, so this one’s a two-fer! Some exciting things have happened in the past two months, both in terms of books and… not. First of all, I started off the year with a couple of truly fantastic reads – my favourite so far being If READ MORE
This month had its highs and lows reading-wise – but I have to say that Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven was outstanding. I tore through it while simultaneously needing to know what happens RIGHT THE HELL NOW, and never, ever wanting it to end. I think it’s one of those rare books pretty much READ MORE
On the face of it, this has not been an impressive reading month for me. I only checked off three completed books: But WAIT. Don’t judge quite yet. I also started and did not finish more books than usual last month. Some I got quite far in. So it’s not like I wasn’t reading. Honest. READ MORE
I always think that when I go on vacation I’ll get all this reading done. I’ll read book after book sitting in a quirky coffee shop or a friendly park, and next thing you know, I’ll have caught up on my TBR list as if by magic. But in reality, I only get through the READ MORE
Perhaps because of the uncharacteristically hot weather we’ve been having in Vancouver over the past month, I’ve actually gotten through a respectable 6 new (to me) books in the past month – even some that had been on my TBR for quite some time! Though it’s hard to pick favourites, I think Cold Comfort Farm READ MORE
I got through five books in the past month – one of which was a review copy and a couple of which had been on my TBR list for longer than I care to admit! Though I enjoyed all of these, I’d have to say that my favourite, hands-down, was The Opposite of Loneliness. I READ MORE
I only read four books this month. Not quite sure how that happened, but yeah. (And one of them was a kid’s book.) I’m part way into about 5 other books, but I have had trouble settling into them. So there you go, that was my month. I was quite busy on my blog, though. READ MORE
Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2014
I seem to have picked up the pace this month! Which, quite frankly, is a relief. Last Saturday was Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon, so that certainly helped me plow through a few books – a couple of shorter ones, but hey, they count! I’d say the real high point for me this month was The READ MORE
Monthly Wrap-Up: March 2014
I thought last month was a slow reading month at 6 books…. but what I didn’t realize until just now is that March was even slower. Just three books this month! Eep! In my defence I had quite a busy month at work. And had a bit of a reading slump post-Grasshopper Jungle. If you READ MORE
Monthly Wrap-Up: February 2014
Well, it was a slower month for me, reading wise. Work is ramping up, and I haven’t been reading quite as voraciously! This month’s reads were quite varied. I’d say my top pics were probably the Razorland books and Being Henry David – possibly Thirteen Reasons Why. Razorland surprised me – I didn’t expect READ MORE
Monthly Wrap-Up: January 2014
I haven’t done a monthly wrap-up before, but it sounded like fun, so here goes! I’ve had a pretty good start to the year, reading-wise. I not only managed to read a fair amount of books this month, but there were a couple that I really enjoyed and that will be hard to top! Here’s READ MORE