Perhaps because of the uncharacteristically hot weather we’ve been having in Vancouver over the past month, I’ve actually gotten through a respectable 6 new (to me) books in the past month – even some that had been on my TBR for quite some time! Though it’s hard to pick favourites, I think Cold Comfort Farm READ MORE

Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2014

I seem to have picked up the pace this month! Which, quite frankly, is a relief. Last Saturday was Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon, so that certainly helped me plow through a few books – a couple of shorter ones, but hey, they count! I’d say the real high point for me this month was The READ MORE

Monthly Wrap-Up: February 2014

  Well, it was a slower month for me, reading wise. Work is ramping up, and I haven’t been reading quite as voraciously! This month’s reads were quite varied. I’d say my top pics were probably the Razorland books and Being Henry David – possibly Thirteen Reasons Why. Razorland surprised me – I didn’t expect READ MORE