I’m a bit behind on my questions for Armchair BEA this year, but better late than never, right? Here’s the first few posts in one. Enjoy! Introductions I get to answer any five of the introduction questions included in the first Armchair BEA post of 2015 (which you can find here, if you haven’t READ MORE
Category: Armchair BEA
Armchair BEA – Expanding Blogging Horizons
The Day 3 topic for Armchair BEA that I’ve selected is: Expanding Blogging Horizons What do you think about when you think about going beyond blogging or expanding your horizons? Is it a redesign of your blog? Have you branched out into freelance writing or even published a novel of your very own? Or, have READ MORE
Armchair BEA – Introductions
I’m getting started on this a little bit late because I wasn’t really sure if I was going to participate. But after seeing a few of the posts that have gone up, I’ve decided to jump on in! Since I’m late getting started, I’m going to try to do a few posts over the next READ MORE