I keep coming across awesome book-related images, posts and articles and I figure maybe I’ll keep track of them and share them with you guys occasionally. Here are some of the things that caught my interest recently:

  • Bookshelfies Tumblr: The Newest Trend You NEED to Know About. You guys all know about “selfies,” those horrible photos teens keep taking of themselves making a duckface, right? Well here’s a new spin on it – people taking pics of themselves in front of their bookshelves. Now maybe I’m extraordinarily voyeuristic, or maybe I’m just a super nerd, but I LOVE seeing which books people have on their bookshelves. Even people I don’t know. So I guess it’s really more about the books and less about being a voyeur. At any rate, I find this amusing and fascinating.
  •  32 Books That Will Actually Change Your Life. This got my attention initially because I like knowing which books really mean something to people and comparing them to my own. But once I started reading I found the descriptions remarkably interesting and succinct. I now have added several books to my to-read list that I had previously discounted as being “not my thing.” (White Oleander by Janet Finch, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, Play It As It Lays by Joan Didion, Push by Sapphire, World War Z by Max Brooks.)
  • How and Why to Use “Whom” In A Sentence (The Oatmeal). I love The Oatmeal. Their guide to 10 Words You Need to Stop Misspelling was epic and I use it to dull the pain of telling people they’re idiots when they make one of these common mistakes. But the whole who/whom thing is one I have a tenuous grasp on at best. I think I do a pretty good job of guessing, but really, who knows? (That one I’m pretty sure about.) If you want to make sure you get it, this is a great reference guide. It also has what appears to be a beaver in y-fronts.
  • 23 Signs You’re A Secret Introvert. Okay, so I know it’s not exactly about books, but I find that a lot of us booklovers at least have some elements of the introvert to us. I certainly found some things I related to!
  • Elmore Leonard passed away. I wasn’t a huge fan of his books, but his rules for writers were fantastic. Here’s the BBC article about him.
  • HarperCollins New Releases. Curious about upcoming books? Here are a few more you might want to add to the ‘ole to-read list.
  • 11 Amazing Book-Song Pairings. If you’re anything like me, you create soundtracks in your head as you read. So it’s always interesting to see what other biblio/music fans match up as they’re reading. Next time you crack open one of these, line up the song to listen to as you’re reading and see if it makes the experience any better!
  • 16 Bookstores You Have to See Before You Die. *Swoon*
  • And my favourite: 17 Problems Only Book Lovers Will Understand. My friend Bia sent me this link and I have read it oh, just a bajillion times. And it make me giggle all over again each time.
  • Books on the Boob Tube: 10 New Fall Shows Based on Books. I love books. I love TV. So obviously when I hear about a new show based on a beloved and battered novel I have on my bookshelf, it makes me tingly. Some of these are a bit odd (About A Boy? We already have the movie. What do we need a whole show for?) but others (Dracula with Jonathan Rhys Meyers? Yes, please!) are pretty exciting!

What bookish links are you digging? Share in the comments!

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