Just Shelved

The Dragonet Prophecy (Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 1) – Tui T. Sutherland and Mike Holmes
How to Age Disgracefully by Clare Pooley
I was in the mood for something a bit cozy but also adventurous. Someone had recommended The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches to me when I’d finished Legends & Lattes and loved it – I can’t remember who, but if it was you, thank you so much! I loved this book more than I expected to. Not only does it have the cozy element in spades, but I enjoyed the magic, and even better it had the most wonderful collection of characters, each with their own backstory, each with their own challenges, and each with a distinct personality. I loved all the main ones, and I was completely immersed in finding out what was going to happen to them. Fully recommend, and if you’ve got anything else similar to recommend, please drop it in the comments! My kid is currently obsessed with graphic novels and really, really wanted me to read Wings of Fire, which is top of the pile at the moment. I’m still figuring out who’s who and all the complex back story (the graphic novels are based on actual novels, and it’s possible I needed a bit more detail), but I’m enjoying them and particularly enjoying having an expert I can ask questions along the way!
Currently Reading

Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon
Mindful Parenting for ADHD by Mark Bertin, MD
I’m not really stuck into anything particular right now, but I’m part way through the second Wings of Fire graphic novel that I’m reading because my kid loves the series and I wand to find out what it’s all about! It’s good, but a little hard to keep track of the characters and back-stories so far, but I’m hoping it’ll get easier as I get further into the series. The other two… still just sitting here, not getting read. Probably will take them off next week!
Up Next

We Solve Murders by Richard Osman
Not sure what I’ll read next, because going by feel is sort of working out for me at the moment! I’ve added the new Morgan Talty, however, as it’s come up in my library digital holds and I’ve been meaning to give it a go. We’ll see if I get to it in time. The other two I’m still interested in, and might get to soon!
That’s my week in books! What about you guys? What have you been reading? Do you have any cozy fantasy books to recommend (heavy on the cozy preferred)? Any books on my list you’ve read?
A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. I also link up with The Sunday Salon post each week hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz (and sometimes include some of her content prompts).
I’ve heard that FIRE EXIT is very good. Have a wonderful week.
I’ve seen it on some lists, though I’m worried I might not have the emotional resilience for it at the moment (I didn’t finish her first book because of that). But I’ve got it from the library so I’ll give it a try!
Aw I love that you’re reading the Wings of Fire with your kiddo. I loved the first one but then didn’t love the second as much but the graphic novels sound so fun!! It’s nice your mini expert can answer all your questions! 🙂
Here’s my IMWAYR post:
The second one is stressing me out a little bit so far, but I like sharing the experience. Probably wouldn’t keep going on my own, though, the co-reading is really the main attraction!
I’ve been on a reading roll. Everything has been working for me. It seems to work well for me when I give up something that isn’t working right away.
I’ve just added The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches to my list of books to look for. I definitely remember reading Wendy’s review of it a while back: https://www.literaryfeline.com/2022/12/bookish-mewsings-very-secret-society-of.html
I completely agree! And I’m also feeling like I’m picking a lot of winners at the moment! I really enjoyed The Very Secret Society – though I went into it with absolutely no expectations, so it was all the more delightful. Definitely worth trying!
I enjoyed all of these books you finished this week. I wish that Mindful Parenting for ADHD had been around when my son’s were younger, although to be honest, I suspect I also have ADHD. Now that I’m in my 70’s I’m not going to do much about it though. Both of my adult sons are on medication for it and swear it has made a huge improvement in their lives. I might recommend this book for one of my son’s who is sure his daughter might be dealing with this.
I only found out in my 40s, and even then only because I started suspecting my kid had it, and through researching I started to recognize things I have as well! I think my mum also has it, but like you, she’s in her 70s and while I think she finds it interesting and has asked some questions, she doesn’t seem to have any interest in getting assessed. I just sort of assume that there are several people on her side of the family who also have it, given its high heritability! There are so many great books these days – I enjoy this one, but it will depend on what he’s looking for and what will be helpful for him. I’m working on a post that will be a list of books on neurodivergence, so that will have more books about parenting and kids with ADHD! Thank you for sharing!