Just Shelved

I finally got around to reading this book! I loved the Thursday Murder Club books, so I was excited to try a new Osman book. It’s a different style of book, and though I did enjoy it, not as successful in my opinion. The thing with the Thursday books is they have unique characters in that they’re seniors but also have interesting backgrounds and skills, the characters are each distinct and interesting in their own right but their relationships make them even better, and the plots are surprising and unpredictable and move quickly. The characters in this book didn’t appeal to me as much, and while one relationship was lovely the others weren’t that interesting. The plot didn’t feel as tight and was a little repetitive. I didn’t dislike it, but I’m definitely more of a fan of the Thursday books!
Currently Reading

Mindful Parenting for ADHD by Mark Bertin, MD
I’m nearly finished The Lost Heir. I just started All Fours, which is my first Miranda July book. So far I’m completely nonplussed. I don’t know what I expected, but so far I’m getting none of it. I think I wanted to connect with another 40-something mother who’s had a rough mental health journey and is dealing with the major changes of both motherhood and this phase of life. And I guess that’s in here, but it’s also got a lot of other weird stuff that I really just don’t understand, let alone relate to. So I can’t say I’m really enjoying it so far. I’ll give it a little longer (I’m listening to the audiobook borrowed from my library, so it’s easier to get a bit further before deciding if it’s for me) and see how we go. I’ve been meaning to read Brit(ish) for a long time, and this weekend I was stuck mostly in bed because of a back injury, so it seemed a good time to read a physical book. It’s good so far. Nothing really that new, but well written and a good overview of the issues that underpin race, home and identity in today’s world. I’m looking forward to where it’ll take me next.
Up Next

I’m adding a couple of different books to this section this week, mostly because I just remembered that I mean to read them varying lengths of time ago but didn’t, so I’m hoping putting them here might increase the chances that I’ll actually do so.
That’s it for me this week! I’m off to lie down again and watch random stuff on YouTube and Netflix while pretending that I’m absolutely going to go back to reading any moment! What did you guys read this week? Have you read any of the books on my list this week?
A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. I also link up with The Sunday Salon post each week hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz (and sometimes include some of her content prompts).
I’ll be interested to hear what you think of Friends of Dorothy. I went to see Sandy Toksvig live when she came to Australia and she was so much fun.
Oh that sounds like such a wonderful experience! I’d love to see her live. I haven’t read any of her fiction, but the premise of this book interests me and I really enjoyed her memoir, so I’m hoping this will be enjoyable!
Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts about the Miranda July book—-it is what I was thinking this book might be like—-and the We Solve Murders book. I should probably plan to read Thursday Murder Club this year. I’ve been interested in books with older characters lately.
Yes, I’m giving it some grace as I’m not very far in yet and it could very well win me over! I’m just not on solid ground with it yet! I adored the Thursday Murder Club books I’ve read – I think I’ve read three of them so far and they’re excellent. You might also enjoy How to Age Disgracefully – I thought of you as I was reading because it’s almost entirely older characters who break all the molds society tries to put them in and is funny, wise and very heartwarming. I think you’d love it!