Another up and down week, but what other kind are there? My kid is sick again, but it’s just a cold and is getting better. I had my eyes checked this week which lost me a day of reading because the dilation always gives me achy eyes and head for a full day afterwards and makes me not want to read or be anywhere with even moderate lighting either. I’ve also had a few rough times with one of my medical conditions which seems to be kicking up for no reason I can see, so that’s had me needing to go to bed and rest more than I’d like. But I still managed to finish a couple of books and start a couple more!


Just Shelved


We Were Never Here by Andrea Bartz
The Lost Heir (Wings of Fire Graphic Novel 2) – Tui T. Sutherland and Mike Holmes

We Were Never Here was a random library choice, but ended up being a very entertaining read. It’s a psychological thriller – heavy on the psychological. It starts off seeming to be a story about two women who love to travel and have the best friendship you could imagine. But soon everything becomes sinister, and what seemed wholesome at the start becomes something else entirely. Worth a read. I finished the second Wings of Fire graphic novel, and though it’s still not completely immersing me, I am enjoying it enough to keep going with the third. My kid is cheering me on – apparently the sixth and seventh books are the best!


Currently Reading


Mindful Parenting for ADHD by Mark Bertin, MD
All Fours by Mirand July
Brit(ish) by Afua Hirsch
The Hidden Kingdom by Tui T. Sutherland and Mike Holmes

I’m still plugging away at these, though the Bertin isn’t one I’ve picked up this week or last, and I tried to go back to All Fours and didn’t last long. I don’t know what it is with this book, but it feels like just when I think I can keep going, another two or three things completely turn me off. The main character’s views on life and thoughts are just not ones I want to share and definitely can’t relate to. Also, I just don’t want to. So we’ll see.


Up Next


Friends of Dorothy by Sandi Toksvig
Fire Exit by Morgan Talty
Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies by Maddie Mortimer
Matrescence by Lucy Jones

I suspect I’ll be moving on from the Miranda July soon, so one of these will hopefully be next… unless something else catches my attention. Which, based on my history means these same books will be here next week!


That’s it for my week in books! What have you guys read lately? Have you read any of these? Any great books you’ve read lately that you’d recommend?

A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. I also link up with The Sunday Salon post each week hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz (and sometimes include some of her content prompts).


  1. Patricia in New Mexico says:

    I’m glad your kiddo is getting better! Yes, dilation does indeed take the day away – thank goodness for audiobooks! I have fibromyalgia – the flare ups feel like thieves of my time and life. Good for you finishing some books! Pe
    Yes! My grandson loved the Wings of Fire series as did my friend’s teenage son! I hadn’t seen it in Graphic Novel format. Happy reading!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Yes, Audiobooks are my favourite format for books these days anyway, and I ended up spending the afternoon lying in bed trying to listen to audiobooks, but mostly drifting in and out of naps because it was nicer not to feel anything for a bit! I don’t have fibromyalgia, but I have heard a bit about how debilitating it is. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that, and I can certainly understand the frustration of having no control over what you’re able to do on a given day. I have other chronic medical issues, and I know a little bit of what it’s like to lose time to something so unpleasant. I’m glad that audiobooks exist to give all of us who have similar issues entertainment and company when our health is acting up! I think the graphic novels are a newer addition – there are like 15 regular novels, but the 8th graphic novel just came out, so I think they’re slowly converting them. It’s been great though because my kid started with the graphic novels, then tried the audiobook of the first actual novel, and now is reading it. So it’s been a great way to gradually increase difficulty while still continuing in a series that’s well loved! Happy reading to you as well, and I hope you’re having a good health week!

  2. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says:

    I have found myself being much more tired than I normally am. I think it might be because I’m constantly having to fight back against this awful assault on law and order here in the US. I’m sorry you and yours have been struggling, too.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Oh man. I no longer understand what’s happening in politics. I feel lucky to be in Canada, but also like we’re still a bit too close…. it looks like things are getting contentious up here as well. I am so saddened to see so many vulnerable groups losing essential and hard-won rights. Not only that, but the political situation seems to be fomenting dissent and bringing out the worst in a lot of people, and that’s scary too. I want better for you – and for all of us. I will say that it’s heartening to see your posts each week and to know that you’re doing what you can for your community, because it would be so easy to give up but is so important to spread love and kindness where you can. Hang in there. Here’s hoping it will get better.

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