I didn’t manage to finish quite as many books this week as I did last week, but I still did a bit of reading. I also managed to get outside a little bit – had a family day with sprinkler and wading pool and take-out dinner on my in-laws’ patio – which was great. I also managed to get out and plant a few planters today. We recently got a hummingbird feeder, and now have a couple of tiny birds that visit us. Today was the first day we went outside on the patio for any length of time since putting it out there, and one actually came to drink while we were just a few feet away. It chirped at us (either a greeting or a warning, I’m not sure) and then turned and had some sips with its back to us. I choose to take this as a sign of trust. I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about these tiny magical creatures in the future!

Just shelved:


I enjoyed Broken so much that I decided, having forgotten most of what was in it, to re-read Furiously Happy. I remembered that it helped me when I was dealing with PPA/PPD, but that time of new motherhood is such a fuzzy bunch of half memories at this point that if felt like I needed to go back and read it again. I listened to it as an audiobook this time, having enjoyed Lawson’s narration of Broken so much, and that was a great format for this book. I think Broken is still my favourite, but this one is a very very close second. I’ve been working on Between the World and Me for a long time. It’s one that I’ve found I need time to sit with, so I’ve read a bit of it, put it down to mull, and then gone back. I’ve also gone back and forth between formats. I started in paper form, and found I wanted to hear it read by the author. I then put the audiobook on hold and started listening to that, but then realized that I absolutely needed to underline and annotate, so I then went back to the paper copy. In the end I would listen to some, then go back through the book to underline, then back to the audio and so forth. It took a lot longer this way, but felt like the best way for me to really engage with it. It’s so good, so thought-provoking and one I absolutely recommend you all read if you haven’t already.

Currently reading:


I’m listening to We Are Not Free on audio from my library as I started the ebook and found I wanted to be able to hear it instead. I haven’t made much progress on Alone Together or South and West this week, but they’re still on my bedside table waiting for me to get back to them. This Book Is Anti-Racist is one I ordered that just arrived this week, and I really wanted to dive in right away – part of why the other two have been neglected! It’s written for younger audiences than I anticipated – there’s a lot of discussion about terminology and concepts that are fairly basic – but even though I think it will have some repetitive content for me as an adult reader, I’m thrilled to see such an engagingly written book for young readers who are just starting out with the topic.

Up next:


I got a bit distracted, but still plan to continue listening to Conversations in Black, and want to find time to sit down and read Indigenous Relations. I’m suffering from too many really important books on my bedside table that I want to read simultaneously!


That was my week in reading! What about you guys? Which books did you finish this week? Which are you reading now or planning to pick up soon? Have you read any of these?

A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.


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