Well, it’s been a week. My kid was sick last weekend. Then my partner got very sick at the end of this week, then I got sick this weekend. So that definitely made this a not so great reading week in terms of amount read. I’m also reading a really long book that I expect to take me a month at least, and I’m already finding it slow going, so I don’t know how reading will progress over the next few weeks either!


Just Shelved



It was a Heartstopper kind of week. I wanted something heartwarming, hopeful, entertaining and with some lovely characters. That’s really all I have to say about that.


Currently Reading



I’m enjoying The Myth of Normal. When I do sit down to read it, it tends to go fairly quickly and is really interesting. The Black Echo I am about halfway through, and it’s an easy read, but sickness threw my reading out the window so it’s taken longer. The Last Chairlift…. oh man. So I used to love John Irving’s books. I read a few of them in high school, and they had a huge impact on me at the time. I haven’t finished any of his books in years, and I keep meaning to. For some reason I thought I’d looked this up and it was around 450 pages, so when it came up on Netgalley I grabbed it…. but then realized it’s not 450 pages. It’s 912. NINE HUNDRED AND TWELVE. I’m in way over my head, on top of which what I’ve read so far is going very slowly and isn’t really grabbing my interest. I now feel that I have to finish it, as I took a copy someone else would have wanted, so I’m going to keep trying. But so far it’s feeling a bit much, tbh. What White People Do Next has been bumped off the night stand by the other three books I’m reading, and I don’t know when I’ll finish it. I’m trying out my annotating on it, which is fun but makes it very slow going. So we’ll see. Either I’ll tone down or abandon the annotating or I’ll get back to it when I have more time.


Up Next



As always, I don’t really know what I’ll read next. I do have these two waiting for me, so I know I’ll get to them in the near future. But I’m not sure if it’ll be next week or next month.

That’s it for my week – short because I’m not feeling well and I want to go back to bed! What did you guys read this week? Have you read any of these books? What did you think?

weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.


  1. Kathy Martin says:

    That the thing about getting ebooks to review: you never know how long they are. I have been surprised more times than I can count. I hope it becomes more interesting. I am quicker to DNF books these days if they aren’t entertaining me. I also hope that everyone if feeling better. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Yes! I thought I had checked and it was around 450. No idea how I managed to get that so wrong, but it was quite the surprise when I started reading it and wasn’t making the progress I’d anticipated in terms of the %, so checked again… only to discover it was more than twice as long as I’d thought! I’ve now given in and gotten the audiobook, and that is going far better. I’m very much enjoying it so far!

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