I haven’t been reading as much lately, so I didn’t have anything to share last week. This week I was able to read a bit, but it’s still not very much to discuss! Here it is anyway.


Just Shelved



Both of these books are knitters (or knitting admirers) talking about knitting. One is a memoir, the other an anthology of pieces by writers who also happen to have an interest in this particular crafting hobby. There’s even a touch of crochet in there. I’ve been knitting again lately, and I’ve taught myself to crochet over the past couple of weeks (I’m nearly finished a rug, so that’s exciting!). Heading into autumn is often when I have a yearning to pick up my yarn and knitting needles – and now, crochet hooks – so it’s a fitting theme for me. I enjoyed both of these, though I think Knitting Yarns was slightly better, because I liked that it included different voices and experiences.


Currently Reading



I borrowed this one from my library, and it’s exactly the kind of thing I’ve been looking for more of. It’s a memoir about an urban farmer – a woman who, along with her partner, creates a squat garden in a vacant lot in a rough neighbourhood of Oakland. She keeps bees, poultry, and grows all kinds of vegetables. I’m not quite halfway yet, but so far it’s a really interesting account that deals with the highs and lows, the challenges and benefits and some of the issues that come up both with her farming and her neighbourhood. Definitely an interesting one!


Up Next



I’ve enjoyed books about knitting recently, and I’m in the mood for more. Knitting Pearls is the follow up to Knitting Yarns, which was a lovely anthology of writers writing about a craft they love. This promises to be more of the same. And I read The Yarn Whisperer by Clara Parkes, so these two are hopefully along the same lines. I’m not sure if I’ll read any of these next, but I’ll probably pick up at least one of them. I’m into memoirs at the moment, so I imagine I’ll find some others to add to this TBR!


That’s it for my week in reading. What about you guys? Read any good books last week? Anyone else out there who’s interested in crafting memoirs or gardening/farming memoirs, or just me? Anyone else looking forward to any cosy hobbies as the weather turns colder in the northern hemisphere?

A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.


  1. Kathy Martin says:

    Interesting assortment of books! I tried knitting once or twice and was an epic failure at the craft. I do admire people who are able to do it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      I’m by no means an advanced knitter, but I do enjoy it. It’s thanks to it being handed down through my family that I even know how, and I enjoy it more for the feeling of doing it than what I’m able to produce!

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