As usual at this time of year it’s been a couple of weeks. I’ve been sick – there’s a nasty cough going around that’s been dubbed the hundred day cough, and I’m on about day 27 at this point and it’s still going strong (even if I’m not)! But I did read a couple of great books in that time, so I’m looking forward to sharing!


Just Shelved



Bookworm I read a couple of weeks ago, and I absolutely loved it. It’s all about the books Mangan read as a child – how she came across them, what she thought of them, and even how they have stuck with her in the intervening years. It was magical to take a journey through childhood reading in this way, and even more so when she was writing about books I had also read as a child. Beautiful. I finally got around to reading Legends & Lattes because everyone – and I mean everyone – has been singing its praises over the past year. And for good reason, while I’m not usually a fantasy reader I really enjoyed it. I picked out The Knitting Circle on a whim because I wanted something that wouldn’t be too hard but would have lots of opportunity for relating to the subject. It was an interesting way of telling the stories of each of the people in the knitting circle in turn, how they support one another, and how their lives change through the course of the book. It was fine, it had good character development and structure. It was a bit predictable and didn’t really surprise me that much. I liked all the knitting, though!


Currently Reading



I’m enjoying Snapdragon. It’s not at all what I expected – it deals in more issues than I had anticipated and is a lot darker – but it’s also got wonderful friendships and found family, and I like the characters. I only just re-started Why Mummy Drinks because I wanted something a bit funny but that also offered a real look at what life is like for mums these days. So far it’s kind of like Bridget Jones but for frazzled mothers. We shall see how it progresses!


Up Next




I’ve only just discovered Raceless, but it sounds interesting and important. Rehearsals for Living has been on my radar for a little while and I found it on sale so it seemed like a good time to give it a go – I don’t remember much about it though! The other three are carry-overs from my last post that I haven’t picked up yet but am still interested in.


That’s me for the last few weeks! What about you guys? What did you read recently? Have you read any of the books in my post?


A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.


  1. Kathy Martin says:

    I hope you get over your cough/cold soon. They aren’t fun any time of the year but are especially not fun when you start a new year with one. I hope to jump on the Legends & Lattes bus soon. I have it, but haven’t had a chance to read it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Thank you! You’re absolutely right, it’s been a bit annoying! It could be much worse though, so I’m trying to focus on that. Oh, I do hope you find some time to give it a go soon! It is just so cosy and comforting. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Literary Feline says:

    I hope you are feeling better soon. A few of my coworkers caught the nasty cough. It seems to be making the rounds. I do like the sound of Bookworm and will have to check it out. I am glad you liked it. Legends & Lattes was my favorite of the books I read last month. I really enjoyed it too. I hope you are enjoying your current and upcoming reads! Have a great week!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Thank you! Yeah, it definitely seems to be doing the rounds at the moment! Bookworm was quiet but lovely for us book lovers! I adored Legends & Lattes – I suspect I will re-read it at some point this year! Have you read the second book in the series? I’m a little nervous as I don’t want to ruin the memory of this one if it’s not as good… but I also want more! I’m torn.
      Thank you, I hope you are also enjoying your reading and have a wonderful week!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Yeah, the sense of humour is the thing. I don’t drink much anymore either, but I can relate to that feeling where you just want to get away from all the stressful mundanity for a little bit! Thanks for the Meredith rec – I haven’t heard many people talking about it, but so far what I have heard has been positive!
      Thank you and to you as well!

  3. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says:

    Return to Nature sounds like a book I’d pick up. I hope you will share more.

    So sorry you have been sick. I once had a cold for four months. I finally went to urgent care and I guess the steroid the doctor gave me helped—finally, it was gone.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      I am trying to kick-start my gardening hyperfixation now that spring is around the corner, but it’s not working quite yet! I’m sure this book will be in the TBR at some point in the next couple of months, though.

      Oh man, that sounds so horrible! I’ve actually had to increase my steroid inhaler as well, but it doesn’t seem to be doing that much yet. We’ll see what my doctor says later this week. It’s bearable though, and better than it was, so counting it as a semi-win! 😉

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