Well, true to form, I’ve not finished a single book this week. I do have excuses – our fridge broke, then the new one we had delivered is also broken, and we lost three days in shopping for a fridge, waiting around for delivery and plumbers, waiting around for repair people to get in touch (they didn’t) and then dealing with all the clean up and fridge-free meal planning and grocery shopping. We also had to go to the hospital for appointments yesterday for my kid – just check ups, and it wall all great news! But that did take up most of yesterday. I feel like that should let me off the hook, no? (It’s also why I’m a day late…)


Just Shelved


Zip. Nada.


Currently Reading



These are the only two books I spent any time on at all this week. I spent an hour or so reading The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating while sitting outside in a sunbeam with my kid. It was a lovely relaxed moment, and I very much enjoyed it. I’m re-reading the print copy of this as I want to be able to instantly re-read and mark passages that stand out to me. It’s an excellent account of what debilitating illness feels like and how important something seemingly insignificant (like an unexpected snail) can be to sustaining the will to live. I’ve been reading small snippets of Street Haunting at bedtime and I’m really enjoying it. It’s one that has so much to think about, though, so I’m finding it best read in small bits so I have time to ruminate on what I’ve read. Great place to start with Woolf.


Up Next



I’m putting these two in this section, even though I’ve started them, because I haven’t touched them in a couple of weeks now. But I absolutely positively do want to loop back and finish them, so they are, in fact, up next.



These are the books that would more traditionally end up in this section, as I really am planning to start them at some point in the near future. I have listened to just a few minutes of Alfie & Me, but I was sleep at the time, so it doesn’t really count. The Diary of a Nobody will be a re-read, as I read it during my diary-obsessed teen years when I’d pick up and try any book that had “diary” in the title or that was formatted as such. I remember it being a little classic-y in bits, but also quite dryly funny. So we shall see what adult me thinks of it!


I also have a few new books I’m adding to my queue as I’m hoping they’ll be up for me to borrow from the library soon or I already have them on loan:



That’s my week! What about you guys? Did you read any excellent books? Any on your up next list that you’re dying to get to? Have you read (or do you want to read) any of my picks?

A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.


  1. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says:

    So many of your books look like books I’d enjoy, especially Alfie and Me and The Edible Garden. I’m sorry you had all the troubles with a refrigerator. How frustrating to have a broken refrigerator delivered! For years my parents relied on Sears for appliances. The appliances they purchased lasted for decades. We need Sears again, I think.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      The Edible Garden is delightful (as is the TV show of the same name). Ugh I feel like nothing is good quality anymore. They literally said that nearly all fridges need parts and fixing at the five year mark, and you’re lucky if it makes it to ten at all. It’s insane. I remember Sears as well – we actually had a Sears store near us until it closed a few years back, and I got my nursery furniture there. I miss it too!

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Oh man, it really has been. And it’s not over yet as now it looks like they have to exchange it which means another delivery, trying to sort out plumbers again and then hoping they’ll come back to level and properly install it. It’s not fun, but it could be much worse and we’re lucky that hopefully by the end of this week we will have a functioning fridge. It could most definitely be worse! Yeah, but I kind of like the surprise of what comes up next and sometimes it’s a great prompt to pick up something I probably wouldn’t have gotten around to right away! I hope you have a great reading week and thanks for stopping by!

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