Well, yet another week has gone by without finishing a book – though I have been chipping away at a few. It’s birthday season, so we have parties, shopping, planning, and wrapping going on! It’s also gardening season, so any spare moment I have is spent setting seeds, potting on seedlings, carrying plants in and out to start hardening them off, LOTS of weeding existing beds and watering my little kitchen table nursery of seedlings! It doesn’t sound like much, but somehow it takes up a lot of time!


Just Shelved


As usual, not a darn thing.


Currently Reading



I’ve still been reading these three – mostly The Sound of A Wild Snail Eating and listening to The Year I Met My Brain. I will say that the latter is turning out to be a tremendously good one, but because of that also a little difficult. It goes through the clinical and research info available on ADHD (limited) and her own experiences. The two combined make a really great description of what it’s actually like to have ADHD, it explains how some of the issues associated with it work (if you read it you’ll meet Ethel, who is the perfect description of executive dysfunction I’ve ever heard and I will now be referring to Ethel being overwhelmed when I just can’t complete a task), and it really shows the impact all of this has. It’s wonderful, but there’s a lot of rapid-fire info coming at me, and the recognition sparks is a bit emotional. So I can’t read too much at once.


Up Next





I am still hoping to finish both of these in due time, but when? I have no idea.




Still have all of these on my TBR, though I think I might put off The Nightingale and The Diary of a Nobody for a later time as my interest in them is a little more dull this week. We shall see!


Okay, now over to those of you who have actually been reading this week. What have you read? Any new favourites? Do you have any exciting books you can’t wait to get to next week?


A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.


  1. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says:

    I know so many family members and friends who suffer from ADHD. I look forward to hearing your final thoughts about this book. People are always asking for recommendation for good books about ADHD.

    I hope that you will share some of your plant photos! I’m always curious about what others do in their gardens.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Yes, apparently it’s quite common and now that diagnosis is happening more (particularly for girls and women) it feels like all of a sudden it’s everywhere! I have been reading a lot of books about it, so I should probably do a post about which are good. I like this one so far – it explains what it’s like very well, it delves into what scientific information is available, dispels some myths (and popular tiktok terms) and is engaging and fast paced. So I think it’s a great one, particularly as a starter book on the topic. I’ll write a post on this when I’ve read a few more! So far my garden is a bit of a mess, but I’ll see about photos if/when I get it growing! It’s in various states of weeding right now….

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