Well, it has not been much of a reading week for me this week, I have to admit. In fact, I can’t even remember if I read a single page. My kid is better now, but her dad is still feeling very yucky – COVID has been a different type of illness in that it doesn’t seem to peak and then progressively improve like most other illnesses we’ve had in recent years. He seems to feel terrible, then better, then worse, then a tiny bit better, then like he’s back at square two again. He’s not having a good time, and trying to remain separate or masked is really a strain on all of us. On top of that it’s day one back at school for my little one today, so that required some literal and emotional prep over the weekend. So reading hasn’t been at the top of my list this week, and likely won’t be for a little while. Nonetheless, here’s a run down of what I’m still sort of reading!


Just Shelved


Nothing at all.


Currently Reading



I’m still about halfway through Oranges, but if I’m being honest, I haven’t had even a momentary desire to go back to it since I stopped listening after my first session of reading it. I’m sure it has a lot of great stuff in it, but mostly it’s depressing me and making me feel tired of all the religious stuff. It’s just not an area I’m very interested in, and it’s challenging for me to read books that have it as a major theme, and so far this book is pretty much entirely about that. We’ll see, but at this point I don’t think I’ll be finishing it. On the other hand, I’m still very much enjoying Are We Having Fun Yet, which is my physical book. I’ve read a few pages at bedtime, but it’s slow progress. Which I don’t mind because I’m enjoying it a lot.


Up Next




These are all still contenders!



Added this to the list as well. The Postscript Murders is the second mystery in the Harbinder Kaur series, which began with The Stranger Diaries that I read a few weeks ago and enjoyed.


That’s my (quite boring) week in books. Hopefully you all had a better reading week than I did! Did you read anything wonderful? Anything you’d recommend? Have you read any of these?

A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. I also link up with The Sunday Salon post each week hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz (and sometimes include some of her content prompts).


  1. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says:

    We never tested ourselves, but the Covid symptoms you mention are very much like what we experienced this summer—here and gone and back again. It was a frustrating experience.

    What I remember taking away from reading Oranges a long time ago was the isolation and loneliness of Winterson. What a grim childhood Winterson had. The awful way she was taught about religion—the whole book was bleak.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Yeah, it doesn’t seem to be a fun ride. I’m glad you guys got through it okay in the end though! (Also saw that your husband’s cast has been removed, I hope he is recovering well!)

      Yes, I think it’s fiction but based on her life in many ways – and definitely an accurate representation of aspects of a lot of lives during that time. I know it’s important history to learn and understand, but it’s also something I’m at least marginally aware of already and find difficult to spend that much time in. It’s one I feel I *should * finish… but don’t really want to!

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