You’re not going to believe this (or maybe you will if you’re also a parent/caregiver to children) but my kid has been sick AGAIN this week. Now, to be fair, school just started, and that’s always it’s own hellishly unique petri dish situation mixing all the various viruses each kid managed to come into contact with over the last couple of weeks of their respective vacations, but it still somehow came as a surprise to me. It hasn’t been fun, and the poor thing has been feeling just awful. On the plus side we made it to the library before the worst of it hit and stocked up on kids’ graphic novels, so there’s some good entertainment to see us through. Most of this reading was done at the beginning of the week before things got truly grim.
Just Shelved

The Postscript Murders by Elly Griffiths
Rescuing Ruby by Nicola Baker
I loved Somewhere Beyond the Sea immensely – possibly even more than The House in the Cerulean Sea, though now I’m saying it maybe it’s the other way round, though probably this one was a little better, but on the other hand the first one introduced these wonderful characters…. I’ll stop there, but I think you get the message. Read both books if you haven’t already. The Postscript murders is the second Harbinder Kaur mystery (I read the first one – The Stranger Diaries – a few weeks ago and enjoyed it) and was quite enjoyable – I didn’t guess the ending as I did with the first one, so that was a nice experience! Rescuing Ruby is the second Whistledown Farm Adventure book (the first being Finding Hope) and I loved it. Again, I think this was even better than the first one.
Currently Reading
Nothing right now.
Up Next

Ejaculate Responsibly by Gabrialle Blair
Foreign Bodies by Amanda Craig
The Wild Silence by Raynor Winn

We Solve Murders by Richard Osman
I think most likely I’ll try the Richard Osman book next, because I generally enjoy his work and I’m beyond exhausted and can’t really handle much brain power. If I’m honest, though, I probably won’t be reading much for a couple of weeks – I’m using all my energy for driving practice (it is NOT going well) and have my test coming up in just over a week. If I, by some misguided miracle, manage to pass I’ll be driving a few hours a day which will take some getting used to. So we’ll see. If there’s any brain cells left over, that’s probably the one I’ll go for.
What about you guys? Any other people with kids who are sick right now? Anyone read any of these? Anyone have any magic tips on backing into parking spots without hitting any of the other cars involved? Ha.
A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. I also link up with The Sunday Salon post each week hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz (and sometimes include some of her content prompts).
Good idea to keep practicing driving after your test is over! I tried parallel parking a couple of years ago after not having done it in many years, and realized I couldn’t do it anymore! My advice is to cut the wheel more than you think could possibly be what you’re supposed to do!
I think the Richard Osman is a good choice for comfort reading when life is stressful. Good luck on your test!
I hear ya. It had been about 4 years for me. My teacher gave me good markers though – pull up so you’re even with the car beside you, mirror to mirror if it’s a similar size. Then start moving slowly before turning the wheel all the way to the right (in right-side driving countries) and back up until you’re at a 45 degree angle, or until the rear light is even with the middle of your passenger window, then spin the wheel the other direction. It worked better than I thought it would! I’m definitely not perfect, sometimes I come in too far or too close to the curb, but it’s a good start to learn! I haven’t gotten to the Osman yet, but definitely want to when I regain a bit of energy. Thank you – I passed!
I am so excited about Somewhere Beyond the Sea. I had a hold on it, and the good news it will now only be about 12 weeks before I get it. I just downloaded the Richard Osman book, but have no idea how I’m going to find time to read everything I have checked out on Libby.
I hope you get your hands on Somewhere Beyond the Sea soon! I enjoyed it. I hear you on the Libby loans… I tend to get a little over-zealous too!
I ALWAYS got sick at the beginning of the school year! The only reason I’m not sick right now is that I am retired.
I like all the books you have read and the books that are lined up in your queue. Glad you were able to finish three good books last week.
Yeah, it seems like everyone is passing bugs around right now! Unfortunately I don’t think I can convince everyone that retirement is the best health outcome… yet…. give it another few years then I’ll see!
I remember those beginning of the school year illnesses. Teachers get them too. I like Elly Griffiths but haven’t started that series yet. I’ll have to add it to my endless list. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
Yeah, the beginning of the year is such a big time for random bugs! Two of my kid’s teachers were out sick last week, right after a bunch of the kids took turns. Isn’t working with kids and parenting fun? Lol!
I’m adding Elly Griffith to my authors to try. Ejaculate Responsibly sounds like an interesting read as well.
I found some of Elly Griffiths worked better than others for me – so far this series I’m enjoying! Yes, it’s new perspective I’m interested to explore.