Just Shelved

Dilemma (The Complete Series 1-4) by Sue Perkins
I enjoyed How to be Champion, Sarah Millican’s sort-of advice column in memoir form. She’s funny, wise and very practical, which is a mix I can get behind. I then moved onto Sue Perkins’ BBC Radio 4 series, Dilemma, in which a panel of guests must basically play a super absurd version of Would You Rather? with a live studio audience to judge them on their answers. Very entertaining, and great for keeping my mind busy when I’ve been overwhelmed this month!
Currently Reading

Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon
I haven’t read any more of Mindful Parenting for ADHD this week, but still plan to return to it. I did read a bit of Three Things About Elsie with my kid (it’s my physical book right now and reserved for reading cuddle time) and it’s not the funnest book, really, is it? I just started the audio play of The Electricity of Every Living Thing and man is it ever hitting me. It’s sort of an account of Katherine May realizing that she is neurodiverse after a lifetime of sensory issues, missed social cues and not fitting in – made worse, as these things are, by motherhood. She is on the Autism spectrum, whereas I have ADHD with a fair number of Autistic traits, but the journey felt like it crossed over my own in so many ways. It’s been a bit emotional to listen to, but good as well. It’s very well done, and definitely an immersive listening experience. I’d recommend it.
Up Next

What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew by Dr. Sharon Saline
Still toying with reading these, still interested in all of them, still absolutely and totally unsure what I’ll be reading next! It’ll be as much of a surprise to me as anyone else.
That’s it for this week! Here’s hoping I’ll finish another thing before next week! I’d like to wish all who celebrate it a merry Christmas, and happy holidays to everyone who has them! I hope you are able to find some joy, time with family and time to relax over the next week, whatever you are up to.
A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. I also link up with The Sunday Salon post each week hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz (and sometimes include some of her content prompts).
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Thank you, to you and yours as well!
Happy holidays! Sounds like you are keeping it together and getting things done. Your books all look interesting too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
Thank you, happy holidays to you as well!!
Interesting books on ADHD. I’m also interested in reading about ADHD in adults!
Have a great holiday week
Harvee https://bookdilettante.blogspot.com/2024/12/sunday-salon-letting-go-of-september-by.html
Thank you! I’m vaguely planning (in my ADHD-ish way) to do a post about ADHD books and which I liked and why in the future! I’ve been trying out a bunch and definitely have some favourites – particularly memoirs. If you have any you really like, I’d love recommendations! Happy holidays to you as well!
It was pouring down rain the night Ta-Nehisi Coates came to Houston, and I opted out of meeting friends downtown that night. And I still haven’t picked up my copy of The Message. It’s a book I am eager to read.
Congratulations on finishing two books this week! Happy holidays!
Oh that must have been a sad one to miss – but on the whole, I do understand that decision. There’s not much I’ll go out in pouring rain at night for these days! I’ll look forward to hearing what you think of The Message when you do get to it! Thank you, and happy holidays to you as well!