Just Shelved

I really enjoyed this. Well, I’m not sure if “enjoyed” is the right term since it’s a confronting and raw experience, but it completely had me. It’s an immersive audio drama edition of May’s journey to adult autism diagnosis, and it’s so well done that I felt like the world disappeared as I listened. I appreciated what she was able to share, I was grateful that she decided to send this out into the world, and though my diagnosis so far is ADHD, I suspect there’s more than a hint of autistic traits mixed in there somewhere, so some of this I felt deeply and could really understand. It’s definitely an audio experience I’d recommend, particularly if you’re also dealing with a new diagnosis of any kind of neurodivergence or know someone who is.
Currently Reading

Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon
I haven’t read any more of Mindful Parenting for ADHD again, but I think it’ll be one I loop back to in the new year. Three Things About Elsie is still on my headboard and I’ll be picking it up when I have the time and energy for it.
Up Next

What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew by Dr. Sharon Saline
Still going with this same list as last week because these ones are still at the top of my TBR wishlist once I get a chance to get more reading done!
How was your reading this week? Are you one who puts reading aside during a busy holiday season, or are you someone who gets more time to read because of time off work? Have you read any good books lately? Any of these?
A weekly post that encourages bloggers to share what they have read in the past week, what they’re currently reading and books they’ve recently added to their TBRs. Originally started by Sheila at Book Journey, it is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. I also link up with The Sunday Salon post each week hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz (and sometimes include some of her content prompts).
It is good that more is being learned and written about autism, I am afraid to say sorely unimformed when I was teaching. I taught with an ADHD teacher who had it herself so that was helpful.
Yes Christmas is a busy time for sure especially for parents. I read Richard Osman’s book and enjoyed it.
I agree, it’s great that more is being published about neurodivergence, and that more people are talking about it and sharing their experiences. I find it really interesting because it varies so much between people with the same diagnosis. Even my kid and I who both have been diagnosed with ADHD have very different challenges, ways of dealing with them and things that we are good at. So it’s great widening my understanding so that I’m able to figure out how best to support and advocate for my kid too! I’m glad to hear you enjoyed Osman’s book so much – I have been wanting to read it for ages but wasn’t reading much, so it’s waiting for me to finally get to it! Happy new year!