I always think that when I go on vacation I’ll get all this reading done. I’ll read book after book sitting in a quirky coffee shop or a friendly park, and next thing you know, I’ll have caught up on my TBR list as if by magic. But in reality, I only get through the usual amount of books – or less. Sometimes I only read on the plane.

So you can probably guess where this is going: I only finished four books in August, so I’m back down from my impressive (for me) July reading list! Nonetheless, here they are:

Fallout was beautifully written, but I wasn’t entirely happy with where the story went. I was still glad to have read it though, and would recommend it based solely on the strength of the writing. I Am the Mission was a great long-weekend read and I polished it off very quickly. Great if you enjoy YA thrillers. The Vacationers was…. well, you all know how I hate to say bad things about books, but I was rather disappointed in this one. It reminded me of about three different familiar plotlines, but didn’t really manage to pull off an original twist. Still, great cover. And finally, She Is Not Invisible, which was delightful. Reminded me in the best way of Neil Gaiman’s books for younger readers.

Reviews published in August:

And some other posts you might have missed:

So that’s it for August – I can’t believe it’s September already! I feel like summer just started a few weeks ago. What did you guys get up to over the last month? (By which I mean, of course, what did you read?) //<![CDATA[ var sc_project=10144299; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security=”82f610c9″; var scJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://secure.” : “http://www.”); document.write(“”); //]]>

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