Perhaps because of the uncharacteristically hot weather we’ve been having in Vancouver over the past month, I’ve actually gotten through a respectable 6 new (to me) books in the past month – even some that had been on my TBR for quite some time!

Though it’s hard to pick favourites, I think Cold Comfort Farm and Q’s Legacy are the two I can imagine staying with me and eventually getting a re-read. That said, Landline was definitely one I’m glad I got to before the reviews started pouring in and recommend for fans of character-driven, introspective novels. Aisha Tyler’s autobiography was completely hilarious, so if you’re ever in a funk and need some pants-wetting giggles, give her a go.

After reading Q’s Legacy I idly picked up my copy of 84, Charing Cross Road and sort of kind of accidentally ended up re-reading it. The book, as I discovered, also contains The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street (an account of Helene’s first trip to London years after 84) which is simply delightful and made me feel very wistful for London! (I may have started an epic re-watch of As Time Goes By, my fave BritCom upon completion… don’t judge.)

Reviews published in July:

Other things you might have missed:

So that was my month – how about you guys? Which books did you read in the past month? Which was your favourite? Did you write any posts you’re particularly proud of?

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8 thoughts on “MONTHLY WRAP-UP | JULY 2014

  1. M. says:

    Me too – it's actually gotten hotter since! I'm basically hiding indoors sprawled in front of a fan. If you like heat though, it's gorgeous out there! I loved Tyler's book. I went into it without a lot in the way of expectations but with a decent amount of hope because it was featured in a “best books we read this month” post on Book Riot. It was just such a hilarious surprise! I've got two Mankell books sitting on my shelves that I haven't gotten to either – but I've heard great things!

  2. M. says:

    Me too – it's actually gotten hotter since! I'm basically hiding indoors sprawled in front of a fan. If you like heat though, it's gorgeous out there! I loved Tyler's book. I went into it without a lot in the way of expectations but with a decent amount of hope because it was featured in a “best books we read this month” post on Book Riot. It was just such a hilarious surprise! I've got two Mankell books sitting on my shelves that I haven't gotten to either – but I've heard great things!

  3. M. says:

    WWL was… unexpected. I wish I could say more, but I'm not going to, for your own good. I like doing monthly reviews because it's a chance for me to look back and see what I did over the past month – it helps me realize if I haven't been reading enough so I can be motivated to pick up the pace or to see if I haven't done enough other posts with interesting topics recently. It's useful for blogging perspective! I absolutely love Maggie Stiefvater on Twitter – she is hilarious and wonderful, but I have only read one of her books (Raven Boys), and I wasn't super thrilled with it. Perhaps because I expected too much based on interacting with her on Twitter. I mean, the writing was brill, but the story seemed to wind around and dead end too much for me. So I haven't picked up any of her other books since. Should I?

  4. M. says:

    WWL was… unexpected. I wish I could say more, but I'm not going to, for your own good. I like doing monthly reviews because it's a chance for me to look back and see what I did over the past month – it helps me realize if I haven't been reading enough so I can be motivated to pick up the pace or to see if I haven't done enough other posts with interesting topics recently. It's useful for blogging perspective! I absolutely love Maggie Stiefvater on Twitter – she is hilarious and wonderful, but I have only read one of her books (Raven Boys), and I wasn't super thrilled with it. Perhaps because I expected too much based on interacting with her on Twitter. I mean, the writing was brill, but the story seemed to wind around and dead end too much for me. So I haven't picked up any of her other books since. Should I?

  5. rika@vm says:

    Interesting monthly wrap-up! I hope the weather cools down for you in Vancouver – I haven’t been to Vancouver for ages! Mmm, I would give her book a go, I need some giggling times! I haven’t read any books lately, but I need to finish up some Mankell books!

  6. rika@vm says:

    Interesting monthly wrap-up! I hope the weather cools down for you in Vancouver – I haven’t been to Vancouver for ages! Mmm, I would give her book a go, I need some giggling times! I haven’t read any books lately, but I need to finish up some Mankell books!

  7. Cait says:

    We Were Liars so definitely goes on my omg what is this awesome list for July. x) I LOVE reading people's wrap ups! It makes me want to do one…ah, decisions, I must think. I read a lot in July so a lot of them are blurring together, but I really loved Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater!

  8. Cait says:

    We Were Liars so definitely goes on my omg what is this awesome list for July. x) I LOVE reading people's wrap ups! It makes me want to do one…ah, decisions, I must think. I read a lot in July so a lot of them are blurring together, but I really loved Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater!

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