My Week on Wednesday

Just shelved:

Alive - Scott Sigler       Armada - Ernest Cline
I finished Alive last week, and just posted my review, which you can find here. It was pretty good, but had a few areas that weren’t perfect. I’d recommend it to readers of YA who enjoy Sci-Fi and suspense. I also finished Armada, which I really enjoyed. Perhaps in part because it has received mixed reviews and I went into it with low expectations, or maybe I would have liked it just as much either way. It’s been a while since I read Ready Player One, so I can’t really compare the two accurately, but I’d guess this is the weaker book of the two, but highly entertaining nonetheless.

Reading now:

Ghettoside - Jill Leovy       Purity - Jonathan Franzen        Wind-Pinball - Haruki Murakami
True to form, I’m reading a few books right now, but these three are top of my list. I’m going back and forth between the three of them because I can’t decide which I want to read first! I’m actually quite behind on the Ghettoside readalong, but hoping to catch up over the next few days. I think my interest has flagged a bit because it’s not exactly what I was expecting… but more on that when I’ve finished.

Up next:

Wicked and Weird - Rich Terfry

This just arrived in the mail from the lovely folks at Penguin Random House, but I’m waiting to start it until I’ve finished at least two of the books I’m currently reading!

In other news:

It’s been a hell of a week for me – I spent two whole afternoons at IKEA, followed by lots of cursing and head scratching as I tried to put together the ensuing furniture. On the plus side, the house is looking great, it’s just been lots of cleaning and moving furniture and books (onto my new bookcase!) to get it there! I also started a new class this week, so that cut into my available time a little bit, leading to an unplanned mini blog hiatus. But I’m hoping to get back on track with regular posting now!

What have you guys been up to? Share in the comments!!

My Week On Wednesday is a weekly link-up post in which I share with you what I’ve been reading, what I’m reading next, and any other bookish stuff I enjoyed in the past week! (Click on book images to view Goodreads page.)

2 thoughts on “MY WEEK ON WEDNESDAY | #20

  1. KatieMcD @ Bookish Tendencies says:

    I’m glad Armada worked for you! I keep telling people in my comments (of my less glowing review) to still consider giving it a try, since many others seem to be liking it quite a bit! The more I’ve percolated on Ghettoside, the less I seem to like it overall. It just didn’t do what it intended to do, and there were many problems. Worth reading, certainly, but not amazing or ground breaking in any way. Glad you’re settling in, and good luck with the new class 🙂

  2. Katrin says:

    Yay for getting a new bookshelf! Which one did you get? I am in desperate need of a new one as well! Hope you like your new class!

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