I had a decent reading week, probably at least partly because it is HOT here, far too hot to move, or go outside, or do anything. So I’ve mostly been moving as little as possible, and reading. As you do. (Have I mentioned I hate summer? Is it nearly autumn yet? See what I did there? Haha. Well, at least I amuse myself.)

Just shelved:


Appropriately enough, I actually started reading Autumn a few days before the Man Booker Longlist for this year was announced and it was revealed as a nominee. Which pleased me because I don’t think I’ve ever read one before the final selection. This was my first Ali Smith and though it wasn’t very long and had large font, it took a little while to get through. I think partly because her writing style is unique and takes a little while to adjust to, and because it wasn’t really one continuous plot that leaves you wanting to know what happens next. It’s a book where I really felt that the writing took centre stage while the plot played a supporting role. I did enjoy parts tremendously, and I feel like I do want to read more of Ali Smith’s work – if for no other reason than to see if the writing in this book is actually her signature style or an experiment she embarked on for this novel. It’s the first in a four part series based on the seasons, so the next will be coming out in November.

Needing a bit of a break, I picked up This One Summer (finally!) intending just to read a little bit before going to sleep. I finished the whole book before realizing it was now 1 AM, and I was about to be very tired the next morning. I loved how evocative this graphic novel was of the confusion and awkwardness accompanying mid-adolescence, and how our summers seem to inhabit a separate world from the school year. And I loved the illustrations. A great summer read.

Currently reading:


I’m on a roll with The Good Immigrant, and am finding it very easy to get into/through, while also finding it to be chock full of food for thought. I’m just about halfway through, but I’ve tabbed so many passages that it looks like the edging is rainbow coloured (it’s not) and I highly recommend that everyone (yes, that means you) read this immediately. Particularly if you are white, even if you think you are open-minded and have a good idea of what it’s like to be an ethnic minority or part of an immigrant community. I’m sure, absolutely sure, there is something here that you won’t have thought of, or will find shocking, or will just reinforce your existing perspective in the best possible way. Read it. ‘Nuff said.

I’ve only just started the introduction of Too Fat Too Slutty Too Loud, so while I can say I like the writing style and the book layout (each chapter is Too something – Too Shrill, Too Old, Too Queer etc. and talks about a different celebrity who embodies that particular criticism in the media), I can’t yet give you any details. Stay tuned.

Up next:


I honestly have no idea what I’ll pick up next. I have so many books all vying for my immediate, and I mean RIGHT NOW, attention that it’s very hard to pick. But these are three that stand out to me right now when I glance over my shelves – particularly The Tidal Zone as it seems to be loved by absolutely everyone who has read it and I’m curious to know what it’s all about. Feel free to weigh in if you think I should get to one of these (or if you have a totally different suggestion)!

That’s it for my week in reading – what about you? Have you read any of these? What have you been reading?

My Week On Wednesday is a weekly post in which I share with you what I’ve been reading, what I’m reading next, and any other bookish stuff I enjoyed in the past week! If you’d like to write your own My Week On Wednesday post, or if you’d just like to share your recent reads, feel free to link or chat in the comments! (Click on cover image to visit Goodreads page and learn more about the book.)

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