MY WEEK ON WEDNESDAY | #36 (APRIL 12-18, 2018)


I’ve been having a really hard time with my reading lately, and it’s been weeks since I’ve managed to finish a book. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been reading. It just means I have been picking up and putting down a lot of books. So here are the books I’ve tried to read, the books I’m currently reading, and the books I’ve given up on (at least for now) in the past couple of weeks.

Books I am at least halfway through and plan to go back to:


I began reading Precious Cargo for Canada Reads, and I got pretty far. I probably could have finished it a day or two after the panel chose its winner, but I got into my reading funk and it’s just been sitting there. Operating Instructions is even sadder. I’m past halfway through this book, and have been for probably about two months now. I was really enjoying it – it’s a wry, honest and at times hilarious account of motherhood, and I can intimately relate to it as I’ve had many of the same thoughts and moments myself in the past couple of years since becoming a mum. It’s a great book, easy to read and full of truth. I definitely want to finish it, but I think I’m also quite saddened by the prospect at the same time. I Am, I Am, I Am I had just started reading when I decided to try for the Canada Reads shortlist. That was the only reason I put it aside, because I was very much enjoying it. It’s quick moving, engaging, and beautifully written. And finally, How To Be Black is one I’ve been dipping in and out of on audiobook. It’s a great one to listen to, because it’s easy to follow and has great narration as well as interview recordings. Definitely one I will be continuing with.

Books I dipped into briefly but didn’t stick with:


I tried to read The Boat People as one of the Canada Reads finalists, but I think it was just a little too real and tough going for me. I didn’t even read enough to offer any opinion on the writing or structure. Black Man In A White Coat is one I’ve been wanting to read for some time. I read the first chapter and it was a case of right book at the wrong time. Definitely one I’ll be going back to. Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self was a title buy. I honestly knew nothing about it when I picked it up, but just had to know. I read the first story and it was okay, but not brilliant. I’m still trying to figure out if I like short story collections, and this one just didn’t do it for me. Shrewed was most definitely another case of right book at the wrong time. I read the first couple of chapters and I know I’ll be going back to it, but I couldn’t handle the anger that accompanies feminist texts for me because I just don’t have the energy for it right now. But I will. And when I do, this book will be at the top of my list.


The Tragically Hip are one of my all-time favourite bands. They were one of the first big shows I ever went to, and one of the first bands I came to love for more than just the music. Gord Downie, the band’s singer, passed away last year from brain cancer, but not before touching the heart of Canada in a final show and giving us all one last chance to see why he has the respect and love of our nation. Definitely a book I’ll be going back to. The Beautiful Indifference was another (slightly more successful) attempt at short stories. I really enjoyed the writing and the tone and definitely think I’ll enjoy Sarah Hall. I just wanted something longer that I could really sink my teeth into, so it’s one that’s back on the shelf for now. He Said She Said is a thriller I’ve heard a lot of good things about, so I picked it up thinking maybe a fast-paced read would get me back into the swing of things. It didn’t. Go Went Gone is one I’ve had on my shelf for a while, but it was recently shortlisted for the Man Booker International prize, so that brought it back to my attention. I think I’ll probably loop back to it in the near future.


Attrib won the Republic of Consciousness prize earlier this year, and has been raved about at great length by Liv Hooper over at The Book Nook (one of my favourite booktube channels, you should really go check her out) so it’s one I’m curious about. I read the first story and it was brilliantly structured – experimental but not intrusively so, and managed to draw me in within a few pages. It was a little more work than I was up for, but it’s definitely one I think will be well worth the effort. And finally, Rebel Without Applause. I saw Lemn Sissay interviewed in the pilot episode of a YouTube series called “Fran’s Book Shop,” and he was so soft spoken and intelligent and likeable that I just wanted to check out his writing. I picked it up a bit too late at night to get my head around poetry, so I’m going to give it a try again when my mental faculties are up to the task.

Currently reading:


I’ve tried to read Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine three times now. Once when it had just come out, another time when it was chosen as the Costa Book Awards Debut Novel winner earlier this year, and now again when it is on the Women’s Prize for Fiction longlist. I’ve gotten further with it this time, but I’m not convinced by it yet. I find the writing a bit clunky, and the main character’s social isolation and subsequent lack of understanding of how the world works overdone. All of that combined pulls me out of the story, and so far I’m more focused on that than what’s happening in the book. We’ll see if it manages to win me over. And last but definitely not least is The Gender Games which I have been dying to read for about a year now. Another UK booktuber fave, it’s a memoir by Juno Dawson (formerly James Dawson) about her experience of transitioning from male to female. It’s wonderful so far, and part of me wants to put it back on the shelf simply to save it because I know once I finish it I’ll be gutted. Highly recommend.

You see what I mean. That is an absurd amount of books to be part way through at any given time, and given that I’ve dipped into so many books, it’s even more ridiculous that I haven’t managed to finish a single one since the end of March.

My Week On Wednesday is a weekly post in which I share with you what I’ve been reading, what I’m reading next, and any other bookish stuff I enjoyed in the past week! If you’d like to write your own My Week On Wednesday post, or if you’d just like to share your recent reads, feel free to link or chat in the comments! (Click on cover image to visit Goodreads page and learn more about the book.)

3 thoughts on “MY WEEK ON WEDNESDAY | #36 (APRIL 12-18, 2018)

  1. Lauren says:

    I’m just staring my second attempt at Eleanor, this time on audio. So far, not really pulling me in, but one of my best book pals loved this one, so I’m hesitant to give in until I’ve really given it a go. Hope your reading gets better!

    • Rain City Reads says:

      I’m about 2/3 of the way through it now. How are you coming along? I think this is a book that is suffering from the hype for me. I went into it expecting it to be incredible, and it isn’t. So I’m left feeling deflated and disappointed. Whereas if I had gone into it blind, I might be more forgiving. I’m not a fan of how Eleanor is written, and that’s making it hard for me to buy into it. Would love to hear your thoughts!

      • Lauren says:

        I dumped it. I didn’t even get 2/3 through. I didn’t love the narrator for the character and the story just wasn’t taking me anywhere. Reading the print version made me think I should try listening. Listening made me feel I should try reading. All of which equals a big DNF.

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