It’s the most wonderful time of the year… Book Depository sale time!!! I can’t even tell you how excited I get. I’m like a kid on Christmas morning. Only even more excited!
Here’s what I scored in the sale:
I hadn’t ever heard of this, but man, I’m so excited! Vampires! Steampunk! Jack the Ripper! And recommended by Neil GAiman himself. You really can’t miss. The first review on Amazon by Matthew Kirshenblatt was what really sold me on it: “It is a late nineteenth century world where not only is vampirism public knowledge, it is used by the elite to promote its figures and luminaries into immortality. At the same time, vampirism does not solve the problems and horrors of that period: especially not the murders committed by Silver Knife. By Jack the Ripper. Newman manages make Victorian and turn of the century literary and historical allusions live side by side as very familiar characters […], but he also brings in monsters and figures of popular film and culture as well as compelling original characters to tell the story of how a spy and an Elder vampire attempt to hunt down a serial killer of vampire prostitutes in London’s infamous Whitechapel […].”
I can’t actually remember where I heard about this one – I think I read a review on another book blogger’s site – but it’s been on my list and I just hadn’t gotten around to buying it yet. So when it popped up, of course, I had to snag me a copy! I’m a bit surprised – both of my purchases so far have been period novels. I don’t usually tend to go for books set in other time periods. Not for any particular reason, they just normally don’t appeal to me. I guess everyone needs to try something new now and again!
“Fifteen years old, gawky, egotistical, and recently orphaned, the young Mary Russell displays an intellect to impress even Sherlock Holmes – and match him wit for wit. Under his reluctant tutelage, this very modern twentieth-century woman proves a deft protegee and a fitting partner for the Victorian detective.”
Yeah, I totally need to know what this is.
So there you have it! This time the sale didn’t have as many good books as usual – a lot of kids, novelty and cookbooks. Not my kind of thing. But I’m happy with the three I got – and let’s face it, it’s not like I’m hurtin’ for books over here!
Any of you check out the sale? What did you snag? //<![CDATA[ var sc_project=10144299; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security=”82f610c9″; var scJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://secure.” : “http://www.”); document.write(“”); //]]>