Stacking the Shelves #10

Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought – also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks where I don’t buy books I’ll scramble around my shelves and find some books I haven’t shared in a StS post yet!

Here are a few new ones and a few from the shelves that I’m reviving interest in:

  • How To Lead A Life of Crime I’m totally excited to read. I think it’s going to be right down my alley. 
  • I’ve been hearing raves of A Mad, Wicked Folly for ages and kept meaning to get around to trying it out. 
  • Half Bad – well, it sounded really interesting. Not sure if I’ll be into it as I’ve since read a few wavering reviews, but I’d like to see for myself. 
  • Ten Tiny Breaths and One Tiny Lie – just look at those covers! How could I resist! 
  • You might not know this about me yet, but I love travel memoirs, particularly ones about Europe with a bit of whimsy and self-discovery. I’ve got high hopes for Paris Letters
  • Dorian Grey I’ve had for awhile, but forgot about until I came across it earlier this week. 
  • Likewise with Coventry, which I think I picked up because it was featured in a Chapters “best of” list. 
  • Z I’m not sure if I’ll be into, but I was interested enough to give it a try. Plus – pretty book!
There are also a couple of series I’ve been meaning to get around to reading, but keep passing up. After reading Ms. Gillian Berry’s gushing review of The Olympians series, I remembered that I’ve been meaning to get around to it, so it’s back on my radar. The Vampire Academy books… well, I’ve heard a lot of good things, but I’m still a little hesitant to expect too much. But hey, who am I to pass up on a good series possibility? So here we are.

So what did you guys add to your shelves or dig out of a long-forgotten pile of TBR books this week? Share your link or list in the comments – and, as always, let me know if you’ve got a rave or “meh” on any of these!

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