Stacking the Shelves #12

Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought – also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks where I don’t buy books I’ll scramble around my shelves and find some books I haven’t shared in a StS post yet!

  1. Story of a Girl: I’ve never read any Sara Zarr, and when I read the premise of this book, it seemed like the perfect place to start. I have a real problem with slut-shaming. As someone who thinks that sex is a normal (and really, really fun) part of life and growing up, stories like this incense me. So I’m hoping that it’ll be a good read, one that will make me sympathize with the protagonist and give me that “hell, yeah!” moment at the end when she finally gets back at the assholes. Fingers crossed.
  2. The Program: I’ve heard about this book over and over again. It’s a fascinating premise and reminds me of that movie, Equilibrium.
  3. The Uncommon Reader: I read about this on a blog, I think – it was recommended for those who enjoy books about books. The premise sounded just zany and odd enough to work. It’s about the Queen coming across a traveling library when out walking the Royal Dogs. Out of a sense of politeness, she borrows a book. Then another. Pretty soon, she’s rushing and skipping meetings to hole up with her latest read, making her subjects uncomfortable by demanding to know which book they’re currently reading (usually none) and bemusing her husband, who is surprised to hear giggles coming from her bedroom at night. It’s a short, incredibly humourous read.
  4. The Light Between Oceans: This is the story of a lighthouse-keeper and his wife who, unable to have a child of their own, adopt a foundling. It’s not the sort of book I’d normally go for, but I have a fascination with lighthouse-keepers. There’s a unique romance to the solitary life that they epitomize.
  5. Someday, Someday, Maybe: I’m not sure about this book. To be totally honest, I mostly got it for a combination of the cover and that it’s written by a Gilmore Girl. The witty, sarcastic one. And while I know rationally that she was playing a role and might be as hilarious as a kitchen sink in real life, I’m curious. It could be awesome, but it could just as easily be terrible.
  6. The Flamethrowers: 1970s. Art. Motorcycles. East Village. Italy. Again, it could work or not, but I’ve heard and seen it about a lot, so I wanted to give it a try.
  7. Faking Normal: This has the potential to be full of feels. It’s about two kids, both damaged and traumatized, who find each other by fluke and develop a bond that helps them both deal.
  8. A Death-Struck Year: A fictional account of the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic, this is apparently impeccably researched and written. I think it’s fascinating to imagine what it would have been like to live through any of those big events in history that are distant enough in the past to be just words on the page of a boring history book. Stepping into a story that draws on an individual’s experiences makes it step off the page and become real. I think I heard about this on a TTT list, but no idea which one or where, so whoever wrote about this, thanks!
  9. Don’t Even Think About It: I think this sounds kind of like a cross between Spiderman, The X-Men and something bubble-gummy and chicklit like. It could definitely go either way for me – I’m fascinated by the flu shot-special abilities thing, but the setting is pretty meh. We’ll see!
  10. Wintergirls: I have a feeling it’ll be awhile before I get to this one – I have a few Halse Anderson books now, and though I keep picking them up, I never seem to actually dive in. I think because I just know it’s going to be tough going. And intense. And emotional. But I also know they’re books I need to read, and that will be top of the list as far as impact goes.
  11. The Promise of Amazing: Another one that could go either way. I’ve read varied reviews of this one – I might be underwhelmed. But it’s got a cool cover, and there were enough positive things said about it that it’s worth a try!
What books did you pick up this week? Share in the comments! 

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