Stacking the Shelves #13

Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought – also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks where I don’t buy books I’ll scramble around my shelves and find some books I haven’t shared in a StS post yet!

    1. Blood Red Road: Since reading the Razorland trilogy by Ann Aguirre, I’ve been jonesing for another really good dystopian story. I heard good things about this one… so we’ll see!   
    2. Nearly Gone: They had me at “Bones meets Fringe.”  
    3. Side Effects May Vary: I ordered this one awhile ago and kind of forgot about it until it arrived. I read the first little bit of it, and I’m not sure if it’ll end up being on my faves list (perhaps it’ll have trouble measuring up to The Fault In Our Stars – I know it’s different, but it might have enough in common for comparison) but we’ll see!  
    4. Slated: The third book in the series, Shattered, just came out and I heard some chatter about it and got curious. It sounds nice and creepy.  
    5. Hope is a Ferris Wheel: I pretty much just liked the cover. Pretty, isn’t it?
    6. Brilliance: Basically it’s a cross between a hard-boiled spy mystery and the X-Men
    7.  The Unnamed: This was on special – I think I got it for like $3. I’m not really sure what to expect – and the premise kind of reminds me of  
    8. The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry – but it is intriguing. Worth a few clams. 
    9. Ulysses: So I was having a bad week, reading-wise. And I thought, hey, can it really get any worse? Maybe I’ll try reading one of those impenetrable books I’ve always meant to try. Hmmm. Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour: I think this will be a good book for one of those days when I’m feeling a bit glum, probably when it’s raining or when I have a cold.  
    10. Veronica Mars: The Thousand Dollar Tan Line: Do I even need to talk about this one? It’s Veronica Mars. (Also I may already have finished it…)
    What books did you pick up this week? Share in the comments! 

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