Stacking the Shelves #14

Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought – also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks where I don’t buy books I’ll scramble around my shelves and find some books I haven’t shared in a StS post yet!

  1.  Cuba Diaries: I haven’t read many lately, but I’ve got a huge soft spot for travel memoirs. I also went to Cuba about a year and a half ago, so this book crosses both interests. 
  2. The Outsiders: It’s a classic! I’m halfway through it now and man, I’m so getting a bad feeling about this.
  3. After: I have a feeling this is going to be depressing. I think, from what I remember, it’s about a girl who gets pregnant, refuses to admit it to herself, and dumps the baby after it’s born. I believe it’s told as she’s awaiting trial or something. Yeah, pretty intense.
  4. The Crimes of Paris: I was looking for some good Paris travel memoirs, and this popped up. I love crime books, and this is the tale of a turn of the century art heist – not any art heist, but the theft of possibly the most famous painting in the world – the Mona Lisa.
  5. Dead to You: A boy goes missing from his front yard. Nine years he is returned to his family. But he can’t remember anything of his life before. The pressure of dealing with the emotions and mystery of his return strains his family to breaking point all over again.
  6. Harriet the Spy: I loved this when I was a kid. Harriet not only got me interested in spy stories, but tomato-mayonnaise sandwiches.
  7. Dorothy Must Die: An imaginative re-telling of what happens after Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy has taken over Oz and the power has gone to her head. This is the story of how Amy sets about stopping her.
  8. Good Omens: This is a new edition of one of my favourite books of all time. I now have two copies, but so what? This one was far too pretty to pass up.
  9. The Legend Trilogy: I keep hearing about this. There are so many Marie Lu fans amongst the blogging community that I feel remiss in never having read even one of her books. Finally caved and decided it was time. Am part way through Legend already and it’s already managed to surprise me. Shows promise!

So that’s my week in books! How ’bout yours?

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8 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #14

  1. M. says:

    Yeah, I think it could go either way for me. But it has the promise to be the type of irreverent, sarcastic take on a well-known story that I'd love. We'll see!

  2. Sofia T says:

    Dorothy Must Die sounds really interesting, but I'm a bit afraid to put it on my TBR list because I've heard so many different things about it. I really hope you'll end up enjoying it! 🙂 Great haul! Enjoy your goodies and have a great weekend!

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