Stacking the Shelves #16

Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought – also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks where I don’t buy books I’ll scramble around my shelves and find some books I haven’t shared in a StS post yet! 

  1. Going Too Far: I can’t actually remember where I heard about this book, but I figured I’d give it a try.
  2. All Our Pretty Songs: This was on sale and I loved the cover. Yep,  I’m totally shallow.
  3. Fever: I’ve got Wither, and since this was only a couple of bucks, I figured I might as well pick it up.
  4. Meant to Be: I’ve been going back and forth on this book for awhile. I’ve seen a few bloggers gushing about how excited they were to read it. And it’s set in London. But between the slightly pastel-y cover and the whole romance angle, it could really go either way for me. But I came across it for a steal, so I figured why not?
  5. Seige and Storm: Again, bloggers RAVE about this series. I’ve got book one
  6. We’ll Always Have Paris: It’s spring. I love Paris. Hence, this book.
  7. The Trylle Trilogy: Another amazing deal – and another series I’ve waffled over for months. Fingers crossed!

So that’s it for this week – what goodies did y’all pick up?

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One thought on “Stacking the Shelves #16

  1. StacieSnape says:

    I've got Going To Far & wither but have not read them yet (or Wither)

    I loveee The Grisha series, like really love. Going to cry my eyes out when its all over haha

    The Trylle Trilogy wasn't one for me, but I think people had over hyped it so I just didn't like it as much, but I hope you like it and look forward to hearing what you think about it 🙂

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