Stacking the Shelves #22

Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought – also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks where I don’t buy books I’ll scramble around my shelves and find some books I haven’t shared in a StS post yet!  

It was my birthday last week, so I got a few new books to add to my collection! 

  1. Fortunately, the Milk – My husband managed to find not one, not two, but THREE books that I both don’t already have, and am very excited to read. This one, I’ve already finished. It’s a kid’s book, but it’s highly entertaining, and I love the illustrations. I’m a huge fan of Gaiman’s books for kids – The Graveyard Book and Coraline are amazing. This one is just as good.
  2. The Serpent of Venice – The hubs just finished reading Lamb, and loved it. I’ve only finished one of Moore’s books so far, though I’ve started several (not the books fault – epic bad timing and lack of focus – I enjoyed what I read of each). This is his newest book and is based, like Fool, on one of Shakespeare’s plays – this time The Merchant of Venice. (It also has blue page-edges!)
  3. The Griff – A graphic novel by – you guessed it – Christopher Moore! This sounds highly entertaining, and right up my alley.
  4. The Steady Running of the Hour – About the unknowing heir to a vast fortune, and something about an early expedition to Everest. Also it was all over Book Riot for like weeks, so I think I was brainwashed.
  5. All the Light We Cannot See – The converging stories of a young, French, blind girl and a German Resistance tracker during WWII. There’s other stuff, but overall it sounds really intense and while I’ve never read anything by Doerr before, I’ve heard he’s excellent.
  6. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour – I read part of Then We Came to the End and liked the writing. I’ve been meaning to go back to it ever since, but here’s a brand new, sparkly book. So I may start here.
  7. Everything Leads to You – I admit that the cover drew me in, but Gillian Berry’s review clinched it.
  8. No Relation – I’ve heard so many good things about this book, so I’m really looking forward to diving into it!
  9. Norwegian Wood – One I’m somewhat ashamed never to have read!
  10. Listen to the Squawking Chicken – Another Karen recommendation (well, she’s persuasive, okay?), I have high hopes for this story. I know I won’t connect to it as personally as Karen did, but she told me that there’s something for everyone between these pages, so I’ll read it looking for what speaks to me.
  11. Born Weird – This sounds sort of like sleeping beauty… but not. It’s the story of siblings who were each blessed at the moment of their birth by one special power. Intended as a gift, these powers inevitably turn to curses and the children, now grown up, must try to get these powers reversed before their grandmother’s death at which point they’ll be stuck with them.
  12. The Other Typist -Set in the ’20s (roaring or otherwise), this seems to be the story of a prim, proper woman led astray. This could go either way, but was intriguing enough for me to want to give it a try.

A lot I can’t wait to read here, that’s for sure! What about you guys? Any new books you’re dying to talk about? //<![CDATA[ var sc_project=10144299; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security=”82f610c9″; var scJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://secure.” : “http://www.”); document.write(“”); //]]>

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15 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #22

  1. M. says:

    Thank you! I really, really did! I've already started a few of them because I couldn't decide which one to read first. The Steady Running of the Hour seems to be the one I'm most drawn in by so far, though!

  2. M. says:

    Ooooh you should read The Graveyard Book! I think it's still my favourite of the three. Though they're all very, very good. And Good Omens (adult book he wrote with Terry Pratchett) I cannot recommend highly enough – it's the funniest book I've ever read! I know, right? I may have sat there staring at these covers for an unseemly amount of time after they arrived!!! I've started The Steady Running of the Hour and it's pretty good so far!

  3. M. says:

    Ooooh you should read The Graveyard Book! I think it's still my favourite of the three. Though they're all very, very good. And Good Omens (adult book he wrote with Terry Pratchett) I cannot recommend highly enough – it's the funniest book I've ever read! I know, right? I may have sat there staring at these covers for an unseemly amount of time after they arrived!!! I've started The Steady Running of the Hour and it's pretty good so far!

  4. Nick says:

    I've been hearing some really good things about Everything Leads to You. It's a book that I definitely want to try and yes, the cover is so gorgeous!
    Enjoy your lovely reads this week. 🙂

    Nick – My Haul

  5. Nick says:

    I've been hearing some really good things about Everything Leads to You. It's a book that I definitely want to try and yes, the cover is so gorgeous!
    Enjoy your lovely reads this week. 🙂

    Nick – My Haul

  6. Cait says:

    Oh there are so many gorgeous covers here I don't even know which to comment on first!! Fortunately the Milk! YES. I loved Coraline, but I need to read something else of Gaiman's too. I also love the covers of The Steady Running of the Hour and Everything Leads To You. SO MUCH COVER LOVE.
    My StS!

  7. Cait says:

    Oh there are so many gorgeous covers here I don't even know which to comment on first!! Fortunately the Milk! YES. I loved Coraline, but I need to read something else of Gaiman's too. I also love the covers of The Steady Running of the Hour and Everything Leads To You. SO MUCH COVER LOVE.
    My StS!

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