Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought – also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks where I don’t buy books I’ll scramble around my shelves and find some books I haven’t shared in a StS post yet!  

Trouble – Non Pratt
Guy In Real Life – Steve Brezenoff


Hotel Angeline – A Novel in 36 Voices
The Lost – Sarah Beth Durst
The Silkworm – Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling)

The Book of Unknown Americans –  Christina Henriquez

Some pretty good ones in here, I think! A couple of these I’ve had for awhile and recently put back on the top of the stack, and a couple are new releases. Guess I’ll finally have to finish Cuckoo’s Calling now! //<![CDATA[ var sc_project=10144299; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security=”82f610c9″; var scJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://secure.” : “http://www.”); document.write(“”); //]]>

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12 thoughts on “STACKING THE SHELVES #26

  1. M. says:

    I'm so excited to read it too – particularly since reading your review!! I'm thoroughly convinced that you could convince me a phone book was the book of the year.

  2. M. says:

    I'm so excited to read it too – particularly since reading your review!! I'm thoroughly convinced that you could convince me a phone book was the book of the year.

  3. M. says:

    Ooooh, yeah, I do that too! If you're in Canada you should check for it on Chapters – it's in their top 50 at 50% off, so it's like 15 bucks.

    I haven't started it yet, but I'm looking forward to it!

  4. M. says:

    Ooooh, yeah, I do that too! If you're in Canada you should check for it on Chapters – it's in their top 50 at 50% off, so it's like 15 bucks.

    I haven't started it yet, but I'm looking forward to it!

  5. M. says:

    That's what I figure too! I love reading about upcoming and new releases, but I know there are so many amazing books out there I've just never come across.
    Yeah, I'm a bit iffy on that one too – infidelity is not a subject I'm particularly comfortable with. So it's a bit of an outside-my-comfort-zone read! We'll see how it goes…

  6. M. says:

    That's what I figure too! I love reading about upcoming and new releases, but I know there are so many amazing books out there I've just never come across.
    Yeah, I'm a bit iffy on that one too – infidelity is not a subject I'm particularly comfortable with. So it's a bit of an outside-my-comfort-zone read! We'll see how it goes…

  7. kmn04books says:

    I just read The Book of Unknown Americans and it is SO GOOD. I'm so happy to see that you have it on your shelf! I can't wait to hear what you think of it; it was another library borrow that I just HAD to own. Great haul!!

  8. kmn04books says:

    I just read The Book of Unknown Americans and it is SO GOOD. I'm so happy to see that you have it on your shelf! I can't wait to hear what you think of it; it was another library borrow that I just HAD to own. Great haul!!

  9. confessionsofabookgeek says:

    I need to finish Cuckoo's Calling too – haven't even purchased Silkworm yet but I'll need to soon as my CC is full size not mass paper back and I want them to match…

    I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You sounds hilarious – just got an email from S&S to do with it today. Looking forward to hearing what you think of it! R x

  10. confessionsofabookgeek says:

    I need to finish Cuckoo's Calling too – haven't even purchased Silkworm yet but I'll need to soon as my CC is full size not mass paper back and I want them to match…

    I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You sounds hilarious – just got an email from S&S to do with it today. Looking forward to hearing what you think of it! R x

  11. Fiza Halliwell says:

    lol I think sharing “older” also a way to discover more authors so share away 😀
    Had to chuckle at the title I'm Having So Much Fun Here Without You but after reading the synopsis it sounds like a very serious read…(in)fidelty…not my favorite subject >.< My new additions 😉

  12. Fiza Halliwell says:

    lol I think sharing “older” also a way to discover more authors so share away 😀
    Had to chuckle at the title I'm Having So Much Fun Here Without You but after reading the synopsis it sounds like a very serious read…(in)fidelty…not my favorite subject >.< My new additions 😉

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