Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought – also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks where I don’t buy books I’ll scramble around my shelves and find some books I haven’t shared in a StS post yet! 

Be Safe I Love You – Cara Hoffman
The Leftovers – Tom Perrotta

The Orenda – Joseph Boyden

That’s my week – what about you guys? //<![CDATA[ var sc_project=10144299; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security=”82f610c9″; var scJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://secure.” : “http://www.”); document.write(“”); //]]>

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12 thoughts on “STACKING THE SHELVES | #31

  1. M. says:

    I'm just a sucker for that cover. THAT COVER! *sigh*…..

    I'm back. Yep, heard good things about it – and it turned out to be a much thinner book than I expected, so it won't be a huge commitment. Which is good, because I'm a fickle reader!

    Of course – and likewise! (Love your posts btw – I'm terrible at commenting because I tend to do most of my blog reading via email subscription on my phone when I'm in transit, and I always mean to go comment, but rarely remember. But be assured, I'm out there, reading every pants-wettingly hilarious word!)

  2. M. says:

    I'm just a sucker for that cover. THAT COVER! *sigh*…..

    I'm back. Yep, heard good things about it – and it turned out to be a much thinner book than I expected, so it won't be a huge commitment. Which is good, because I'm a fickle reader!

    Of course – and likewise! (Love your posts btw – I'm terrible at commenting because I tend to do most of my blog reading via email subscription on my phone when I'm in transit, and I always mean to go comment, but rarely remember. But be assured, I'm out there, reading every pants-wettingly hilarious word!)

  3. M. says:

    I loved the cover of Half Life! That was the main reason I picked it up, if I'm being honest. Though I've also heard pretty good things about it, and it's quite a short read! Be Safe I Love You might be sad, but again, heard great things so decided to give it a try! Looking forward to your update…. link me when it's up!

  4. M. says:

    I loved the cover of Half Life! That was the main reason I picked it up, if I'm being honest. Though I've also heard pretty good things about it, and it's quite a short read! Be Safe I Love You might be sad, but again, heard great things so decided to give it a try! Looking forward to your update…. link me when it's up!

  5. Cait says:

    I would sooo love to read The Half-Life of Molly Pearce! I was kind of meh towards it at first, but then the reviews rolled in with their shiny high star ratings and what can I say? I'm a sucker for the promise of a good book. x)
    Thanks for stopping by @ Notebook Sisters!

  6. Cait says:

    I would sooo love to read The Half-Life of Molly Pearce! I was kind of meh towards it at first, but then the reviews rolled in with their shiny high star ratings and what can I say? I'm a sucker for the promise of a good book. x)
    Thanks for stopping by @ Notebook Sisters!

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