Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought – also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks where I don’t buy books I’ll scramble around my shelves and find some books I haven’t shared in a StS post yet! 

Big Little Lies – Liane Moriarty
The Road Home – Rose Tremain
This One Is Mine – Maria Semple 

What did you guys pick up this week? Any books you pulled off the shelves, dusted, and added to the top of your towering TBR piles? Share in the comments!

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10 thoughts on “STACKING THE SHELVES | #34

  1. M. says:

    That's *exactly* what I thought. I want to eat that lollipop, even if it is in pieces. This One Is Mine is the new book by the woman who wrote Where'd You Go Bernadette, which so far I haven't managed to finish. This one sounded like it might be easier to get into, but we'll see!

  2. M. says:

    That's *exactly* what I thought. I want to eat that lollipop, even if it is in pieces. This One Is Mine is the new book by the woman who wrote Where'd You Go Bernadette, which so far I haven't managed to finish. This one sounded like it might be easier to get into, but we'll see!

  3. Cait says:

    That cover to Big Little Lies…I love it purely based off the cover. SO PRETTY. But such a waste of an awesome lollipop. *shrugs* I haven't heard of the others but This One Is Mine looks quite good.

  4. Cait says:

    That cover to Big Little Lies…I love it purely based off the cover. SO PRETTY. But such a waste of an awesome lollipop. *shrugs* I haven't heard of the others but This One Is Mine looks quite good.

  5. M. says:

    I haven't read anything by Liane Moriarty yet! I take it you're a fan? I'll add The Husband's Secret to my list too. Will do, and likewise! 🙂

  6. M. says:

    I haven't read anything by Liane Moriarty yet! I take it you're a fan? I'll add The Husband's Secret to my list too. Will do, and likewise! 🙂

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