Greetings from San Francisco!

Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought – also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks where I don’t buy books I’ll scramble around my shelves and find some books I haven’t shared in a StS post yet! 

Like No Other – Una LaMarche
The Rain –  Virginia Bergin

Fruit of the Lemon – Andrea Levy

Most of these I’ve had for a while, but haven’t featured yet. I’m particularly fond of Fangirl, which I got after seeing it discussed on Writer of Wrongs. It’s just so pretty! (Check it out in her video here.)

What about you guys? What did you add to your shelves or dig out this week?
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20 thoughts on “STACKING THE SHELVES | #35

  1. M. says:

    I'd say it's worth having the hardcopy – and the special edition is so gorgeous! It's a British one though, I got mine on Book Depository.

  2. M. says:

    I'd say it's worth having the hardcopy – and the special edition is so gorgeous! It's a British one though, I got mine on Book Depository.

  3. M. says:

    I know, right? If you want this Fangirl edition, check out Book Depository – it's the British special edition, and I'm not sure if it's available stateside!

  4. M. says:

    I know, right? If you want this Fangirl edition, check out Book Depository – it's the British special edition, and I'm not sure if it's available stateside!

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