Stacking the Shelves

Time to look at the books I added to my shelves this week with Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! Not necessarily books I bought – also includes books I borrowed, was given or otherwise ended up with. Weeks I don’t buy any books I’ll scramble around my shelves and find some I haven’t shared in an StS post yet!

Irritable Hearts - Mac McClelland      
Girl In A Band – Kim Gordon

And from the lovely folks at Random House of Canada:

Hausfrau - Jill Alexander Essbaum
Hausfrau – Jill Alexander Essbaum

I’m actually really excited to read Hausfrau – everyone I know who has read it had nothing but praise. The other two I’m quite curious about, though I don’t know what to expect! Have you guys read any of these? Did you like them? Share in the comments!

8 thoughts on “STACKING THE SHELVES | #62

  1. M. says:

    I'm a little nervous, because I've heard it's about a woman who cheats on her husband, and cheating is not something I often like reading about. But I've heard such good things that I want to give it a try anyway!

  2. M. says:

    I'm a little nervous, because I've heard it's about a woman who cheats on her husband, and cheating is not something I often like reading about. But I've heard such good things that I want to give it a try anyway!

  3. Katrin says:

    I have not even heard about Hausfrau before, guess I am the only one. 🙂 Sounds pretty interesting. Of course I like the German title. 🙂 It's on my list now!

  4. Katrin says:

    I have not even heard about Hausfrau before, guess I am the only one. 🙂 Sounds pretty interesting. Of course I like the German title. 🙂 It's on my list now!

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