The Fault In Our Stars Trailer!!

I know you’ve probably already seen this, but I am getting excited and wanted to have it on my blog somewhere! Also in case you haven’t seen it yet….


I like the trailer, but I’m still on the fence about the movie. I have given this a lot of thought, and I think it’s because I felt such a deep emotional connection to this book. I loved it – everything about it – and I grew very attached to the mental images I created of both Hazel and Augustus as I read. I know that as soon as I watch the movie those mental images will be replaced by the movie incarnations, and that makes me nervous and a little bit sad. Even if the movie is epic.

I wasn’t going to watch the movie because of this. But the trailer has got me curious, so now I’m waffling. What do you guys think? Anyone share my apprehension? Or are you super excited to watch the book come to life? //<![CDATA[ var sc_project=10144299; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security=”82f610c9″; var scJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://secure.” : “http://www.”); document.write(“”); //]]>

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12 thoughts on “The Fault In Our Stars Trailer!!

  1. M. says:

    I have not seen The Descendants, but I might have to check it out! The only thing I know she's in is Divergent, which is one I probably will watch. That makes me feel a bit better about the movie!

  2. M. says:

    I have not seen The Descendants, but I might have to check it out! The only thing I know she's in is Divergent, which is one I probably will watch. That makes me feel a bit better about the movie!

  3. M. says:

    Yeah, I'm beginning to lean towards watching it, which surprises me! I'm not surprised – I think I've seen it drift past in my feed for about 50% of the book blogs I follow in the last week! But I just had to make sure it was on mine too, original or not. 🙂

  4. M. says:

    Yeah, I'm beginning to lean towards watching it, which surprises me! I'm not surprised – I think I've seen it drift past in my feed for about 50% of the book blogs I follow in the last week! But I just had to make sure it was on mine too, original or not. 🙂

  5. M. says:

    Right? That's EXACTLY how I feel. I often find that books that are brilliant because of the dialogue and emotional impact don't translate well to screen. Books that are action-packed (like The Hunger Games or Harry Potter) tend to translate much more successfully. And this book was so close to my heart… yeah, I'm really unsure about the whole movie thing!

  6. M. says:

    Right? That's EXACTLY how I feel. I often find that books that are brilliant because of the dialogue and emotional impact don't translate well to screen. Books that are action-packed (like The Hunger Games or Harry Potter) tend to translate much more successfully. And this book was so close to my heart… yeah, I'm really unsure about the whole movie thing!

  7. thewanderingbookworm says:

    I saw the trailer a couple of days ago and I'm really looking forward to the film, not only because I enjoyed the book so much, but because Shailene Woodley was fantastic in The Descendants and I imagine that she will be again as Hazel.

  8. thewanderingbookworm says:

    I saw the trailer a couple of days ago and I'm really looking forward to the film, not only because I enjoyed the book so much, but because Shailene Woodley was fantastic in The Descendants and I imagine that she will be again as Hazel.

  9. Katrin says:

    okay, hazel and augustus do not look at all the way i pictured them and i don't like that. but the trailer made me curious….so now i don't know what to do. damn!

  10. Katrin says:

    okay, hazel and augustus do not look at all the way i pictured them and i don't like that. but the trailer made me curious….so now i don't know what to do. damn!

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