I picked this up after reading and (mostly) enjoying French’s newest book, Because of You. I was curious about some of her older books, plus I enjoyed the audiobook and wanted another fun listen.
This book is about a woman who is stuck in her marriage and flumoxed by her teenaged kids – which is particularly upsetting for her, as she is a child therapist who is supposed to understand kids for a living. The book is structured so that it alternates viewpoints between different members of the family, so we get to hear what each is thinking.
It’s been a while since I read this book, and I have to admit that, while I remember the broad plot points, a lot of the finer details haven’t stuck with me. I do remember that I didn’t really like any of the characters. The mom is infuriating – she refuses to face her issues and makes terrible decisions. Her son is entitled, pompous and has zero self awareness, but at least he’s trying to think about people around him. The daughter is probably the worst – she’s overly dramatic, selfish, shallow and unpleasant. The reading of her captures all of this perfectly, but is horrible to listen to! I know they are supposed to be difficult – they are teenagers, after all – but it was still a bit of a tough listen at times!
I liked the twists in the story – it definitely didn’t end up where I expected it to. But I didn’t like the book that much overall. The characters were marginally less objectionable at the end of the book than they were at the beginning, but that was a very low bar. I enjoyed the book well enough, but it wasn’t as engaging as Because of You. I think I’ll give French another go – there are a couple more books I haven’t read yet – but maybe not for a little while!
This is a poignant novel by Dawn French which is told through the eyes of a mother and her two teenage children. Each chapter is narrated by a different voice, telling the story of a modern family, all living in their own separate bubbles, lurching towards meltdown. – Goodreads
Book Title: A Tiny Bit Marvellous
Author: Dawn French
Series: No
Edition: Audiobook
Published By: Audible (Michael Joseph)
Released: November 23, 2010
Genre: Fiction, Family, Humour
Pages: 352
Date Read: October 27-29, 2020
Rating: 5/10
Average Goodreads Rating: 3.23/5 (9,162 ratings)
In general, the French have a very different concept of parenting than Americans, don’t they? I seem to recall from a novel I read somewhere along the way with a French mother commenting on the permissive parenting style of her American friend. Sounds like it might be better for me to try Because of You instead, though!
I have to admit I don’t know much about parenting styles in different parts of the world. I don’t even really know what other parents are doing in my own! Of the two Dawn French novels I’ve read, I definitely enjoyed Because of You more, so if you’re looking for a place to start with her work, that’s my recommendation – it’s where I started, after all!