This week’s Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is “Top Ten 2014 Debuts I’m Excited For.” I had to do some research for this one, so thanks a lot to the ladies at The Broke and the Bookish – my TBR list just tripled!


1. Hexed (The Witch Hunter #1) by Michelle Kays



This one is about Indigo Blackwood, a popular high school girl whose mom happens to own an occult shop. Which isn’t a big deal until she witnesses a death and the family Bible goes missing – the Bible that, if it isn’t recovered, will cause the death of every witch in the world. Including Indigo, since apparently she is one. (Check it out on Goodreads here.)


2. The Murder Complex (The Murder Complex #1) by Lindsay Cummings



I have to admit that this mainly appealed to me because it’s recommended for fans of La Femme Nikita – which I love. (Check it out on Goodreads here.)


3. Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy



The first line in the synopsis already had me hooked: “What if you’d been living your life as if you were dying—only to find out that you had your whole future ahead of you? ” (Check it out on Goodreads here.)

4. The Girl with a Clock for a Heart by Peter Swanson



Liana Dector isn’t just an ex-girlfriend, the first love George couldn’t forget. She’s also a dangerous enigma and possibly a cold-blooded killer wanted by the police. Suddenly, she’s back-and she needs George’s help. Ruthless men believe she stole some money . . . and will do whatever it takes to get it back.” (Check it out on Goodreads here.)

5. Dear Daughter by Elizabeth Little



A sensational debut thriller featuring an unforgettable heroine who just might have murdered her mother.” (Check out the rest of the Goodreads synopsis here.)


6.  Nearly Gone by Elle Cosimano



“Bones meets Fringe in a big, dark, scary, brilliantly-plotted urban thriller that will leave you guessing until the very end.” (Check out the rest of the Goodreads synopsis here.)

7. Daughter of Chaos (#1 in a Trilogy) by Jen McConnel



Witches must choose the path they will follow, and Darlena Agara is no exception. She’s been putting it off long enough, and in her case, ignoring it has not made it go away. In a moment of frustration, Darlena chooses to follow Red Magic, figuring she had outsmarted the powers that be, since there’s no such thing as Red Magic. But alas, Darlena’s wrong (again) and she becomes a newly declared Red Witch.” (Check out the rest of the Goodreads synopsis here.)

8. Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira



It begins as an assignment for English class: Write a letter to a dead person. Laurel chooses Kurt Cobain because her sister, May, loved him. And he died young, just like May did. Soon, Laurel has a notebook full of letters to people like Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Amelia Earhart, Heath Ledger, and more…” (Check out the rest of the Goodreads synopsis here.)

9. Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell



Kit takes her role as London’s notorious “Perfect Killer” seriously. The letters and cash that come to her via a secret mailbox are not a game; choosing who to kill is not an impulse decision. Every letter she receives begins with “Dear Killer,” and every time Kit murders, she leaves a letter with the dead body. Her moral nihilism and thus her murders are a way of life—the only way of life she has ever known.” (Check out the rest of the Goodreads synopsis here.)

10. Half Bad (Half Life Trilogy #1) by Sally Green



In modern-day England, witches live alongside humans: White witches, who are good; Black witches, who are evil; and fifteen-year-old Nathan, who is both.” (Check out the rest of the Goodreads synopsis here.)

11.  Killer Instinct by S. E. Green



This one sounds like a YA version of Dexter, so obvs I have to check it out.

She’s not evil, but she has certain… urges.

Lane is a typical teenager. Loving family. Good grades. Afterschool job at the local animal hospital. Martial arts enthusiast. But her secret obsession is studying serial killers. She understands them, knows what makes them tick.


Because she might be one herself.” (Check out the rest of the Goodreads synopsis here.)

What  debuts are you excited to check out in 2014? Share in the comments!


  1. M. says:

    Yeah, I had to do a bit of research to fill out a full list of 10, so I probably used some of the same 2014 YA release lists as other bloggers! Looks like there will be a bunch of great new reads coming out this year. So much for my plan to get through my TBR list!

  2. M. says:

    Yeah, I had to do a bit of research to fill out a full list of 10, so I probably used some of the same 2014 YA release lists as other bloggers! Looks like there will be a bunch of great new reads coming out this year. So much for my plan to get through my TBR list!

  3. Reviews from a Bookworm says:

    Great list! I'm quite excited for a few of these myself. The Murder Complex, Side Effects May Vary and Love Letters to the Dead made my list too, I can't wait for those. There seems to be so many good books coming out in 2014, I'm not sure where I'll find the time to read them all. I hope you get to all of your picks 🙂 My TTT.

  4. Reviews from a Bookworm says:

    Great list! I'm quite excited for a few of these myself. The Murder Complex, Side Effects May Vary and Love Letters to the Dead made my list too, I can't wait for those. There seems to be so many good books coming out in 2014, I'm not sure where I'll find the time to read them all. I hope you get to all of your picks 🙂 My TTT.

  5. Aly says:

    I feel like The Murder Complex, Side Effects May Very, and Dear Killer are very popular picks. I've seen them around in a couple of different posts and TMC and SEMV made my TTT post too.

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books
    My TTT

  6. Aly says:

    I feel like The Murder Complex, Side Effects May Very, and Dear Killer are very popular picks. I've seen them around in a couple of different posts and TMC and SEMV made my TTT post too.

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books
    My TTT

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