I have to admit that I don’t often read books about animals. Mainly because authors are cruel, and they often end up getting hurt or killed. And when that happens it breaks me. I can handle pretty much anything gruesome happening to grown up people – my favourite show was Criminal Minds – but hurt an animal and I’m fully out. So I learned just to avoid books that feature animals, just in case. You will probably notice, because of this, that a lot of the books below are kids’ books – there was no way I’d get to ten otherwise!




If you’re like me and can’t handle bad things happening to animals, I can’t remember what happens in the first five books on the list, but I’m pretty sure Mossflower, T.S. Eliot and The Secret Horse at least end up okay, though I am not 100% sure. The other five have some rough moments but turn out okay from what I remember.

What about you guys? Do you like books about animals? Can you handle the bad stuff? Any of these ones you’ve read?

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.


  1. brookelorren says:

    I thought it was going to be more difficult this week to find animals in books than it actually turned out to be (although I did end up with a few children’s books on my list). The book I’m editing has a service cat in it, but it also includes hunting for food.

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