It’s that time of year again – the arbitrary day on which Hallmark decided we should spend a ridiculous amount of money on cards that will be read once and thrown in the bin, chocolates that lead to inordinate guilt and/or tummy aches, and flowers that’ll be dead in a week. Valentine’s Day! Can you tell I’m not really a fan? Now, if they’d make it a day on which people are given books, then I might re-think my position. Anyway, we’re supposed to be all focused on hearts and pink and red and love, so I’m going to share some books that follow the colour theme!


Fire Exit by Morgan Talty
Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn
How to Age Disgracefully by Clare Pooley
We Solve Murders by Richard Osman

Screaming on the Inside by Jessica Grose
The Stonewall Reader Ed. by The New York Times Public Library
Midlife Bites by Jen Mann
Heartstopper Volume 4 by Alice Oseman

Feminists Don’t Wear Pink and Other Lies by
Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski, Ph. D.
Animals by Emma Jane Unsworth
Cat and Nat’s Mom Truths by Catherine Belknap and Natalie Telfer

That’s it for me this week! Did anyone else take a loose interpretation of this week’s prompt? What topic did you come up with? Do you have any other books that fit my colour theme?

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week TTT has a different topic, and everyone who links up has to create a link of ten items that fit that topic. To see past and upcoming topics, go here.


  1. Literary Feline says:

    I love your take on this week’s theme! Killers of a Certain Age was such a fun read. I love the Heartstopper series.

    I’m not big on Valentine’s Day, but my husband always spoils me. I love flowers–but keeping the cats away from them is such a pain. I’m not sure it’s worth it. LOL

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      I enjoyed Killers! Haha, I hear ya. We have cats too, and have to be careful about the plants we have. I’m allergic to a lot of flowers, so that’s luckily not a huge issue as the ones I can handle are generally edible (roses, lavender)!

  2. Rissi says:

    I haven’t heard of these, but they all look fitting in with the colors and such! (Just ask for books over chocolates! ;D) Hope you enjoy (or did enjoy) these all! Thanks for visiting my list today.

    • RAIN CITY READS says:

      Haha yeah there were a LOT to choose from, so in the end I narrowed it down to the colours I liked the most, then tried to do a really varied array of books that don’t necessarily fit the theme content-wise!

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